Chapter 3 ~ diner and promises with the bad boy

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Mandy's pov.

"Yes he totally said that" alyssa says.

"Omg he totally fancies you mands" grace says and I roll my eyes.

"He does not, any ways see you tomorrow, love yas" I get out the car and notice Adrian's car in his drive way.

"Mum I'm home" I say and she tells me she's in the living room.

"Oh, we have company" I say and smile.

"Yes dear, this is mr and Mrs Ashford and there son Adrian" she says and I nod.

"Okay I'm just going to get changed before dinner" she nods and gives me a smile.

I put my speaker and iPhone into the speaker and take it into the bathroom and play kasabean.

I start to sing the words and get into the shower, after I showered I wrapped the towel around my body and walk into my room only to see a figure on my bed.

"Wow" he says and looks me up and down.

"Adrian, haven't you heard of privacy, get out?"
I say and go into my closet to look for clothes I pick out a blue flowery dress.

I hear him coming closer and he stands in front of me.

"You have no idea how much I like you, Mandy" he says looking me in the eye.

"Adrian, don't, I've just got out a really bad relationship" I say and step back.

"Why, who was it and what did the asshole do?" He says balling his fist. I went into my bath room and put on my dress, I walked back out to see Adrian still standing in the same position.

"Adrian, it's fine. Nothing happened" I feel tears running down my cheeks Adrian takes his thumb and whips my tears away.

"You don't have to tell me, but just please trust me. I'm not going to tell anyone, or hurt you"

he says and wraps his arms around me.

"It was dale" I say into his shirt.
"Dale, as in dale Jameson the
guy in my PE class?". He asks looking down at me, I nod and he sighs and continues hugging me.

"He won't stop, he's really controlling and he threatens me" I say and he freezes.

"I will not let anyone hurt you babe, your mine and I will protect you, I promise". he kisses my head and says.

"Let's go down the stair" I nod and he offers me his hand and I take it.

"Adrian, thank you" I say and he gives me a smile.

"No problem, babe" he chuckles.

Bad boys and good girlsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن