Ch 1: First there was Fate

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I think I did it.

I solved the equation.

I solved for fate.

Wait, c'mon just, hear me out here!

It sounds crazy I know, but what if I told you...that when it came down to it, Life is just a series of fucking equations?

Within these equations, I would consider life as more of an "L" than a "X", because that's kind of what we're takin' everyday.

Yes, X would more likely be "human interaction."

Still following? Great so, X = HumanInteraction and L = Life. That's what we know, so far.

Now that we've got that out of the way, Fate is defined as "the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power," so says the mystic goddess, Google.

So already we know, Fate revolves around humans, but remains out of their control, cool cool. Most cases of human interaction, happen between one or more parties of people, so let's start our equation like this.

xa + xb = W

That's right, Fate is a fucking W, and Norse myth nerds wanna shout out why? The Wyrd, one of the most powerful Norse concepts, overly complex fate, or once again Google, assist me "Wyrd (or sometimes Weird) is a term for concepts roughly corresponding to those of fate or destiny but involving complex interactions of universal necessity and individual choice within a cosmos beyond any fixed notions or concepts of mortal minds." Wyrd up Google, thank you. But also screw off "mortal minds," my ass, Equations! Ah shit, I forgot to add in Life, for there to be human interaction, there must be Life, in one way or another.

L(xa + xb) = W

Life times the qualities of human interactions A and B, equal Fate, no no, we're still missing something very important, the addition of cosmic interaction! Things like asteroids, or stars imploding, supernova shit, we're almost done, I think, but damn isn't it amazing. Keeping with our variable scheme, the cosmic interaction shall be "S" for Spiral, the figurative symbol of the universe.

L(xa) +xb) + S = W

So yeah, this fate, it's funny, I'm just now realizing, that I didn't really solve "for" fate. I'm hoping my math is wrong, because within this equation A and B are factors that cannot be quantified. Which means L and S are unknown and unknowable, which means W is unkown and...

"Cinna! Hurry up you're gonna be late for your first day, Momma's heading to work hunny, so be sure catch that bus!" I hear the front door slam in our two bedroom apartment, I look over at the time, 7:20am. 7 hours of my life wasted on something Unknown and Unknowable, a possible award winning formula that could get us out of this tiny, mice infested, bedbug ridden, Apartment.

I hear the bus take off. Knowing Ms.Keter she probably didn't check to see if I was at the stop or not. I load my bag up with my laptop, document still open, and me too mentally exhausted to close it. I feel around in the darkness of the living room to find the light switch in our windowless abode. To be honest I don't know why I turned it on. There's nothing worth looking at here.

Moving on I check the fridge, it pops with a bit of force and a loud squeal of a sound. "I know buddy, it must be so tough feeling so empty." The fridge looks like a wasteland, a couple eggs, some hotdog packages, that 'might' get us through the week, and a carton of spoiled milk, Ma will refuse to throw out till two weeks after the expiration date. I make myself a peanut butter and sugar sandwich for lunch later, and start prepping for my walk to school, no less hungry than I was last night. How am I gonna survive my first day of high school like this? Simply, Unknown and Unknowable.

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