Claire smiled “Do you have some paper? I could draw the place…”

Robert smiled “Thank you, Claire”

*A few days later*

Robert was reaching his place, after one more night at Aphrodite. He had dropped by to get some breakfast, since he had Claire home now and, honestly, he barely had the time to cook.

Once he arrived, he noticed Tom at the couch, waiting for him, and no sign of the doctor around.

“Doctor left, if you’re wondering” Tom whispered, rubbing his eyes “She said Claire is perfectly fine, and she just left a couple of analgesics and antipyretics just in case she’s fever or in pain.” He explained

Robert dropped the food on the kitchen’s table, he was sleepy as hell, also.

“So… I see you can’t leave Claire now” Robert chuckled, teasing Tom.

“Shut up… I just want my sister back. It’s been too long”

“But you are here” Robert said, sitting on the couch

Tom frowned “Are you crazy? Besides, it’s not like she would ever be interested… she’s always ‘Robert this… Robert that…’, it’s annoying.”

“Woah, woah….” Robert chuckled “Are you telling ME… you are jealous of… me?”

“WHAT?!” Tom snapped “Oh, please, I’m out, gonna get some sleep”

Robert giggled as the kid left his house.

It was more than noticeable that he had a crush on Claire. Poor girl, of course she would not return the sentiment… at least not now. She was in the same position as Belle. All she could feel was probably repulse towards any kind intimacy.

“What’s going on?” A sleepy Claire appeared in the living room, still yawning.

“Nothing Claire, we didn’t mean to wake you up, I’m sorry”

“It’s ok”

“I brought you some breakfast” Robert said

She smiled “Thank you, Robert.” She whispered “Have you had any sleep?”

“Nah, I’m gonna take a nap now” he whispered

“Please sleep on the bed… it’s much more comfortable” she whispered

“Claire it’s fine, really.” Robert smiled, getting comfortable on the couch

“Hey…” Claire sat next to him “The bed is free” she whispered “And even if it wasn’t, Robert. It’s just to sleep”

Robert looked at her. She had really grown to trust him, to say those words.

Well, he was glad, of course. He didn’t think she had any reason not to trust him.

But, yes, it was quick.

“You took me out of that place, Robert…” she whispered “I will never be able to repay you that…” Her eyes got watery “And I just knew, by then, you could not be anyone like the people from that pit… You just couldn’t”

“Hey…” he wiped her tears away “It’s another world out here. It’s still cruel, it is…” he smiled “But you’re free now, you can make your own choices. And you can get to know people. And decided if they deserve your trust or not”

Claire looked away, letting the tears fall.

It was still unbelievable.

She was free from the pit.

Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant