Lauren and Lisa (Continued)

Start from the beginning

"Yep, all of us. She specifically said all seven of us. So you too." Alexandria stares at me then turns around and slumps into her seat. Lisa turns into the parking lot and parks and Christina's car comes up beside us. 

"Here we are," Lisa states and Alexandria slumps farther. Lisa gets out and goes to her side. She opens the door and gives Alexandria a hug. 

"It's gonna be fine. The best part about TV is you don't SEE the people watching you. Just imagine that it's a YouTube video!" Alexandria nods then gets out of the car. I can see her getting excited and starts smiling. I see her and smile too, already out of the car. We make sure we have everything and go inside to wait for the other girls as- officially- the first ones here. Christina and Dani are right behind us, then Kathrine and Amy arrive a minute after them. Once we're all here, a lady leads us to a door, and behind that door, a giant, high-tech dressing room. We all squeal and find our own little space to get ready. We scribble our names on a piece of paper and put it in front of our stuff then return everyone's thing's to their actual owners. I realize, once I'm done, that I am right next to Alexandria. I smile and start doing my makeup. 

Alexandria goes to change first, so we are mostly done with makeup when she comes out with her outfit on and brushed out curls in her hair. She is wearing a fishnet, long-sleeved top with a cropped and slightly distressed Led Zepplin tee over it. It isn't a super dramatic crop, however, so not much stomach, if any shows. She is wearing these super cute ripped  skinny jeans and black and white checkered vans and a red flannel around the waist. Dani is wearing something similar but with the fishnet on her legs under some very ripped jeans and she has a different band tee. They could literally be twins, now that I see them side by side. Seeing them so close and so similar makes me happy for them, bust also kind of jealous. It's weird, but maybe I do have feelings for her...

Lisa's pov

I finish with my makeup and sit down to wait for the others. I was already wearing my outfit for the performance and interview, so I don't have to change. I read on my phone until I see someone approach me out of the corner of my eye. I put down my phone and look up to see Alexandria. I stand up and walk over to her. 

"What's up, kiddo?" I ask, ruffling her hair. 

"Hey! Don't mess up my curls," she says objectively, petting her head. I laugh and she takes her hand down. "Anyways, I was wondering you you could maybe do my makeup. I have no idea how to and you are really good at it. Please?" I nod excitedly and grab her arm, dragging her over to a stool where I can reach her face. 

"I love doing makeup! It's so fun to see the change and their reaction. And seeing what looks good on some people and what doesn't on others!" Alexandria laughs at my excitement and hands me her makeup bag. I set it on the table and go grab mine. 

"Why do you need yours?" She asks. 

"If you are as inexperienced as you say, you only have foundation and maybe some lip stuff and mascara. Am I right?" She sighs and looks down. 

"Pretty much..." I laugh and grab her foundation. 

"I am only using this because it matched your skin tone," I tell her. She nods and I put it on a sponge and start applying it. I do a simple look with winged eyeliner and gold eye shadow. There is a little pink tint to her lips and obviously blush, contour, and highlighter. But other than that, that's pretty much it. When I get done, I set the makeup down and brush myself off. 

"Ready?" I ask her. She nods and I lead her to a mirror. 

"Ta-da!" I exclaim as she looks in the mirror, shook. 

"Lisa... Oh my God, wow! This is amazing, thank you! She hugs me and bounces over to her things and puts her makeup done. The rest of us are done and sitting around on our phones or talking. Christina has a simple black dress that has a red bow looking thing on the top and a red bandanna around her hair. Kath is wearing a blue skirt with black leggings and boots and a gray tank top with a blue flannel on to keep her warm. Amy is wearing Jeans with holes in the knees and a yellow spaghetti strap tank top over a white sweater. And finally, Lauren has got on skinny jeans with a cropped tye-dye tee and a flannel. Lots of flannels today. Christina claps and gets everyone's attention. 

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