Black X (trans) Reader High School AU 1

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I was woken and not pleased as I woke up in my dorm so I angrily growled at the girl who woke me and she laughed "growly guy" I'm pissed off and kept off my high bed and pinned her to the ground and snarled fiercely then she knew she fucked up but ran out laughing anyways ugh, darn humans, have they gone crazy???
I licked myself clean with my scent and ran out my room into my class cuz damm I wanna be early plus white will be there and there are a lot who will try to get their hands on his virgin ass and I'm pissed at that cuz he's my friend and sworn brother! I then bumped into a girl who is (y/n) then I got shocked when I saw her in a male uniform then she dragged me into the bathroom and took off her pants and she showed me she has a dick but why the hell is she showing me that??!!! I ran into my class and then I gasped and panted for my breath as I just faced a crazy thing Ó///Ó! Then other students came in, and we were in an adult school which trains us for our abilities that we have, and our high school is nantai national high school for extraordinary guys so she is something! I-.... Nevermind I will see later.. I opened my clothes and then I turned them into a simple choker on my neck and I activated feathers on my arms to hands into wings and I flapped off and mind you guys no one has this wing like thing like me or white as I was thinking I flew into white and ow it hurts then I realised we are about to crash into a building and I yanked my bro into the sky I don't want to die from impact of crashes! He thanked me and flew beside me then we glided in a zig zag way we tilt to left or right every now and then in our flight during rest time, and a lot will crowd below to watch us in awe, we were really famous in nantai, hunan province and they kept it silent about us from the rest of China, lest they come and hunt us so they kept quiet for us, and I'm thankful for that, then we landed on the rooftop as some thugs were there and they looked at us with fear and ran away from us.... What the hell... Are we that scary?

To be continued~

[IDENTITY V] Wu Chang x Reader (Requests OPEN!)Where stories live. Discover now