Black And His Blood Brother Part 2

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We finally got our game break for like, only 1 year which I really am still unhappy about as to me it feels short, also I love my royal Wu Chang family which have from blue to yin-yang! I really hated getting roped into this game and I pity all the poor survivors, they like us couldn't turn down the letter out of our curiosity and took the damned invitation. That aside, I got to nantai with white and we still kept our sworn promise of being blood brothers. I was embraced by Fan Wan Jiu and Fan Wu Yun,
They were my family members, Fan Wan Jiu looks like this, he is beside white,

While my royal cousins are blue skinned we don't know why but they were given royal abilities from birth, here they are Fan Wu Yun and Fan Bi Yun

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While my royal cousins are blue skinned we don't know why but they were given royal abilities from birth, here they are Fan Wu Yun and Fan Bi Yun

While my royal cousins are blue skinned we don't know why but they were given royal abilities from birth, here they are Fan Wu Yun and Fan Bi Yun

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Fan Bi Yun (younger brother) is thinking of Fan Wu Yun( elder brother)

We were really excited when we saw them again and we directly ran and embraced them! While we didn't see the others as they probably went to do their royal duties around nantai and in the hunan province. I don't speak much as I don't usually do so at all, so I really wondered how the hell did I become a actual guard/general officer, black on the other hand showed off the skills he had while he urged me to do so, so that's how I probably got in as well however I hated the darn government and his son as my *brother black died from that as he wanted to talk about it but died drowning on that day, but strange thing is I don't see them anymore and to think they beat black a bit two days before his death was making my blood boil well, now forget the past is the past, I'm gonna focus on my own family! Also the white Wu Chang and black Wu Chang have been great friends for I don't know 0v0 how long and I will always and  always cherish my family! Xie Bi An is my name and Fan Wu Jiu is his name and we really like to 😂 mess around, play together, be angry together, sad together, happy together and everything else, nothing will separate us till death and it seems the damned modernised world is affecting China and I don't want our nantai hunan province to be modern too as I don't agree on it with a whole lot of reasons and levels!!
Damn I talked a lot now!

And after we greeted them, we went into their respective home which is a Wu Chang Royal Sect
Crown Palace where they live in,
I'm just a normal black Wuchang like white WuChang still when we have our own homes it's still quite near, only 10 minutes to walk there.

Fan Wan Jiu
I get the feeling that both xie Bi An, and Fan Wu Jiu my actual blood brother have something really important so I gave them the understanding look and then ushered them to follow me and the Royal Wu Chang brothers into the Palace to talk, that's when things got serious as they told us about what the damned game is for whatever of their desires, goals, needs or wants are, and the horror and truths behind it and the host and everything else. And apparently they broke down in tears as they told us they had been playing for about 2 or 3 years and want to get out of it and want to always be with us forever, however they also told us that once they went into the game, there is no going back out of the game anymore, I gotta help them somehow!

Royal Wu Chang brothers
We also listened intently and we now heard everything and we really pity our fellow wuchang family members and we want to save them from this game! So I immediately went into my secret chamber room of the Palace and started to locate this Manor and where the game was and where the host was, once I found the host I instantly greeted and then introduced myself and told him and Ms nightingale about the situation and I offered the both of me and my brother to be in the game for around 1 year and at the end of that, Xie Bi An and Fan Wu Jiu can live with us again forever while after that we will proceed to the 2nd year for them as we had always loved them so we don't want to let them suffer effects from that game anymore so we will take place, and then Ms nightingale being touched said "you touched my heart", "I will let you have your demon form and survivor form too, with the special amount of skills too, as Wu Chang was my favorite and the players favourite at a point of time too!

Black, white
And yep when we heard of that, our hearts nearly jumped out as we didn't want them gone but then the good news is that after our royal family finish the damn amount of years, we will finally be able to be truly reunite again! TwT I will miss them also I am envious of their skills and hunter-survivor changing as Ms nightingale really favored them! TwT well until then! Adiós everyone

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