eight; catharsis

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eight; catharsis

wide eyed {billy lockett}

"...how long will I say yes over my conscience? truth is i'm wasted before i take it all in, how long will i blame it all on past life tragedy? there's no remedy..."


Pennsylvania winters were brutal, and Spencer was extremely grumpy about it. Even the walk from the grocery store back to her car in the parking lot was terrible, the freezing cold temperatures bone chilling, especially at dusk. As she sat down in the driver's seat, grumbling about the snow, her phone chimed. She didn't even have to look to know who it was.

New IMessage from Chris🖤

Dinner tonight w the boys & Kylie + Jamie?

Spencer smiled.

New IMessage to Chris🖤

Pick me up at 7?

New IMessage to Chris🖤

Dress nice. See you then :)

She liked his car, loved the way he looked rolling up in his sleek black BMW. Sure, Spencer drove a black Maserati SUV, so she was no stranger to nice cars, but there was something about her man in a black sports car.

Spencer shook her head, huffing. Not her man. Well, what was he anyway? A friend with benefits? A potential boyfriend? She didn't want to bring it up with him leaving the next day, but she also wanted to beg for answers. With so much uncertainty in her past, she felt like she had to make sure everything was stable. Especially with him.

At 7 pm sharp, Chris knocked on her front door, Jamie calling to her to answer it.

Spencer opened it to see him holding a bouquet of dark red roses. How had he known? She figured Jamie must have said something, there was no way he could've just guessed right first try.

"For you, beautiful." He said bashfully, and Spencer gasped as she took the roses from him. "Oh my god, Chris, they're beautiful! How did you know my favorite?"

"A little birdy may have told him," Jamie said slyly, walking up from behind her. Ricky's car pulled up behind Chris's, Jamie walking down the snow covered sidewalk to it.

"I'll put these in water really quick and then we'll go. Come in so you don't freeze." She said, and Chris gratefully stepped into the warm apartment. He watched as Spencer lovingly trimmed the flowers, filling a vase with flower food and water and arranging them one by one inside of it.

He's an angel, She thought. He's way too good for me.

"Alright!" She said brightly, "Shall we?"

"We shall." Chris said, offering her an arm. She took it gratefully as they stepped outside, gripping his elbow as they navigated the icy sidewalk. "I don't understand why women wear heels like that." Chris huffed, referring to the heeled boots that Spencer was wearing.

"Because," She grumbled, "We don't like looking like children height wise when next to men like you."

"Oh, come on, I'm not that tall." Chris complained as he opened her door, and she gave him a look. "Yes. Yes you are."

They drove through the snow, stupid Christmas songs playing on the radio that Spencer sang along with obnoxiously. "Where are we going?" She asked, and Chris grinned, which made her raise her eyebrows.


"We're going to Posh."

Her eyes went wide, which made him laugh. Posh was a...well, posh restaurant in Downtown Scranton that was upscale and very expensive. It also happened to be Spencer's favorite dinner spot.

"Who picked that?" She asked.

Chris was quiet, and Spencer narrowed her eyes. "Don't tell me you picked Posh."

"Guilty as charged." He smirked, and she laughed incredulously. "It's like you're trying to sweep me off my feet."

Chris slanted a look sideways. "Is it obvious?"

Spencer blushed, glancing up at him. "Maybe."

"Good." He said as they pulled into the parking lot. She recognized Ricky's black sedan next to them, and saw Ryan exiting a black 4Runner a few cars down. Ghost's Mercedes sat next to Ryan's car, the bassist helping his girlfriend out the passenger side.

It was like a fleet of goth cars had descended on Posh, Spencer almost wanting to laugh as Vinny pulled up in a black Jeep.

She'd fit right in with her car, the thought making her unreasonably happy.

Chris opened her door for her, offering a gloved hand. He looked especially dapper in his black suit, his hair slicked back.

He reminded her of a 1920s mobster, right out of a silent film.

She'd decided to wear a body con black dress with a high collar and lace sleeves, black over the knee boots on her feet over black tights. Her hair was in curls and voluminous, makeup perfect for nighttime.

Posh wasn't too busy, surprisingly, and Spencer couldn't hide her smile when the herd of goths entered, obviously making the host nervous.

He looked up at Chris, who was easily the most intimidating of them all, eyes wide. "Reservations under Cerulli." He said smoothly. His hand slid around her waist, and she almost choked when it came to rest on her hipbone.

"Right this way," The waiter said, leading the group to a long table set with china and crystal, menus under each plate. The aesthetic of the place was rich, red, and luxurious. Spencer loved it. Chris pulled her chair out for her, pushing her in and sitting down next to her. The conversation began as the waiter brought drinks, and eventually took orders.

Spencer laughed at something Vinny said, but quickly had to cover her gasp with a sip from her water glass as she felt a hand on her thigh. She sneaked a look at Chris out of the corner of her eye, who innocently answered a question Ghost asked him as if he wasn't slowly creeping his fingers up Spencer's leg under the table.

Spencer found it incredibly hard to focus for the rest of dinner, but found herself in the hotseat when Kylie asked her a question. "So, Spencer, do you have any clothing releases coming up?"

Oh! Oh, um yeah, I do, actually." She said, trying to keep her composure as Chris went higher. "Oh nice! Are you allowed to say anything about it or are they confidential?" Kylie asked, looking genuinely curious. By this point, half the table was listening, and Spencer felt like she was about to spontaneously combust. "I-It's for Primitive, we're collaborating with Vice. We've done collaborations with—" but coughed when Chris brushed up against her. That asshole.

"You okay?" Jamie asked, and Spencer nodded. "Just swallowed wrong. Anyways, we've already collabed with Rick & Morty, and did an art collab with the animators from Dragon Ball Z."

"That's so sick." Vinny said, and Spencer smiled as everyone agreed with him. The waiter reappeared and asked if anyone wanted dessert, but everyone declined. They weren't the Kardashians, after all. Posh was expensive.

The checks were split, and as much as Spencer protested, Chris picked up her meal.

"See you bright and early tomorrow morning for bus call!" Ricky called as they were leaving, all of the guys nodding or shouting something back.

As soon as Spencer and Chris were in the car, she smacked his shoulder.

"What the hell!" She said as he burst into laughter, his head thrown back as she glared at him playfully. "Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to keep it together in there?"

"Yes," He gleefully replied, "I know exactly how hard it was for you to keep it together."

"You are so gonna get it when we get home." She said, and he glanced over at her deviously. "Oh, am I?"

"Yes," She said, her eyes glittering with desire. "You are."

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