His fingers trembled as he touched the roses, he opened the card and read it 'I hope you are doing well in your life. I don't know if you still remember me, I never forgot you but it's time I do. I don't think you will ever read this, but I have to put certain things of my past behind. The white rose marble you carved for me, is in my friend's possession right now. I will get it back soon...'

'Take care of yourself and live a happy life. Enjoy every moment, who knows when the time would stop as it did for me. Now, I am living a new life, everything has changed but I try to live by it. I don't know why I am doing this, maybe there are some things I can't even tell my best friend. So I have left the words with nature. Thank you for being part of my past but that's where you live and so my old self. Goodbye my white rose, yours DF.'

Cold wind surrounded the man as he hugged those red roses, tears rolling down his eyes. He ran back to the village, the first thing he went to was the cafe. If he came, he would have visited there. But he didn't understand how he could leave flowers and a note. He had attended his funeral unless he faked his own death.

The young girl sucked a deep breath looking at the handsome man, who was out of breath, panting. He was holding roses too. Can her day get even luckier than this? He gasped as he asked, "Did anyone come here today for breakfast?"

The older woman rolled her eyes, "Many did, are you looking for someone in particular?"

Her granddaughter looked at the red roses in his hand, she recognized them because there was a shiny white ribbon tying them together.

"Those....." She pointed at them. "Where did you find them?" She thought the boy had thrown them away.

"Do you know about these?" The man asked desperately.

She nodded, "A handsome man who came earlier today had them on him. He came here to have breakfast."

His eyes widened, he leaned on the counter, "When did he come? Where did he go?"

The older woman frowned, "Young man, this is a cafe, not a police station."

The man calmed himself down, he looked at the young girl, "Did he order French toast with maple syrup?"

Her eyes brightened, "Yeah, how did you know? He also had a chocolate drink."

The man looked at the CCTV, "Can I please see the CCTV footage?" his voice was gentle yet hoarse.

The older woman wanted to refuse but her granddaughter nodded before she could say anything. Actions spoke louder than voice, she rolled her eyes and continued with her work.

The young woman showed him the CCTV footage, he looked at the video wide-eyed. The reality was completely different from his expectations. He covered his mouth with his hand and closed his eyes with heavy thoughts. Looking at him in a frozen state, the young girl spoke, "he was really good looking, had really beautiful eyes like the deep blue sea."

The man left the Cafe and the village back to the city in a shocking state.

Dong Fu went to Sam's place and picked Lala. Sam had already left to go to the company. Dong Fu too directly went there, he took Lala with him. He didn't care what people would say. The company was Lala's previous home.

Everyone greeted Lala with love and patted her. The once fierce dog had calmed down, she would even give handshake. Sam was waiting in the lobby, he was pacing around, his worried expressions. When he saw Dong Fu walk out of the elevator with Lala, he held Dong Fu's shoulders. "Fu, don't freak out... This is serious."

Looking at him soaked in a thin layer of sweat Dong Fu asked, "Who is dying?"

"I told you to be serious.. just don't overreact. Promise me." Sam held his hand.

Rebirth of a RoseWhere stories live. Discover now