"Who is it?" Jack yelled out from the other side of the door. "It's Rose and Sam." Rose replied. She tapped her foot as she waited for the young nephilim to open the door. "Hey. Just checking in. You haven't come out since we set you up. That's fine, I mean it's all been pretty insane I'm sure. Anyway, we brought you something. Please, have a seat." Rose walked behind Jack as he sat down on his own bed, the bed sheets shifting with his movements. Rose placed the laptop in his hands, his eyes watched her every movement.

"Before you were born, your mom left you a message. I know you have a bunch of questions and hopefully this is a start." Rose mumbled. Jack looked up at Rose as if to say that he didn't know how to use the laptop. The sudden realization hit Rose and the dark haired girl nervously struggled to start the video. "Okay uh- here you go. Just push this button when you are ready." Rose turned the laptop back to Jack.

Rose turned back around and was about to follow Sam out the door when a cold hand wrapped around her wrist. "Thank you." Jack mumbled.

Rose smiled back at him and stood beside Sam at the doorway. The two watched as Jack pressed play on the video and Kelly's voice echoed through the speakers.

"Hi Jack, it's uh... I'm your mom. I guess I should tell you, um, I always wanted to be a mom. I'd play with dolls. I was that kind of girl and daydream about my baby."

Rose observed Jack's movements from the doorway. The way his eyes would wander the room the video was recorded in, or the way that he smiled when Kelly did. Even the way his mouth was left slightly agape when Kelly cried, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see her son grow up. It pained Rose to watch, but she wasn't able to rip her eyes away.

Rose sighed when she heard Sam's phone ring from beside her and she ushered for him to answer it down the hall so Jack could finish the video.

"Jack, don't let anyone tell you who you're supposed to be. Because who you're supposed to be isn't fate, it isn't me, it isn't your father. You are who you choose to be. And I know you're going to be okay. You are going to be amazing. You have an angel watching over you."

Rose smiled to herself─ she missed Castiel. The angel was her best friend. And if he was there, Rose was sure that he would still believe in Jack. Sam walked back in and pulled Rose to the side.

"That was Missouri." Sam spoke, tapping his phone against his left hand. "The place?" Rose furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "No, Missouri Moseley. She's a friend, who's also psychic." Sam explained. "Well what happened?" Rose questioned as she shoved a strand of her dark hair away from her face. "It has to do with a monster doesn't it?" Rose added as Sam nodded in confirmation.

"I want to go, I really do. But Jack, we can't just leave him here. And he's definitely not ready for a case. You and Dean can go, I'll stay here with him." Rose offered. Sam shook his head, "No, you're right. We should just call Jody and put her on it." Sam said as he looked down at the girl.


     "THANK YOU, JODY. Yes I know, love you too." Rose smiled, hanging up her phone as Dean walked in. "What's up?" The oldest Winchester looked at Rose and Sam. "You'll never believe this. I got a call from Missouri Moseley." Sam muttered as he looked up at his brother. "Wow. What's it been, like a decade?" Dean guessed, walking past them.


"How is she?" Dean questioned. "Not great. She said that she got out of the life for a while but something happened and she needed help with a case, so Rose put Jody on it." Sam shrugged.

"Why would you do that?" Dean snarled, turning to Rose. "Excuse me?" Rose scoffed. "Because we need to stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers. Jody can handle this." Sam spoke up, not wanting the two to argue. It wasn't often when the two argued, but ever since Cas died, Dean just felt so angry at the world and he would often take his anger out on Rose or Sam.

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