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The road is long, never ending long. Only thing I can see ahead is even more road. Not a thing insight besides the cornfield we're driving by.

We're all silent. Dead silent. I look from the corner of my eye the girl beside me is shaking.

"Hey." I whisper, and nudge her gently. Her emerald eyes snap towards me, wide and full of fear. "What's your name?" I ask, maybe if I try distracting her she'll calm down a bit.

"Leah." She replies quietly. "Yours?"


The guy beside her leans forward and looks over at me. "I'm Aris, Her older brother."

"How old are you guys?" I ask, Leah seems less shaky than before. "She's 18, I'm 25." He answers, and I nod. "You're so old." I tease, Lean looks at me and nods as a small smile spreads across her face.

"I don't want to hear about that old shit. I'm nearly 50." The man they came with chimes in, my mom starts laughing from the drivers seat. "45." She states her age, and his eyes bulge. "Bull. You don't look a day over 30." And he's not lying, she looks really good for her age. "Nope, these two are my kids." She points to Daisy and I.

"Daisy is 10, Maya is 21." She says, a smile plastered on her face the whole time. Great, Grandpa boosted her firing ego even more. "Well god damn." He whistles. The rest of us gag while my mom blushes. "I'm Juan, it's truly a pleasure to meet you." She looks through her mirror at him, they smile at each other. "To meet all of you, actually." He corrects his self.

A little late for that, Buddy.

"Can you please not flirt with my mom when I'm sitting right here." Daisy pipes in, causing Tater and Aris to laugh, I nod quickly agreeing with her.

"Are you guys related?" I ask trying to get the attention off my mom. Juan looks over at me, eyebrows raised in amusement. "Do we look related, Sweetie?" He chuckles, and I shrug. "Does my dark chocolate go with their pasty white?"

"Ignore Juan, he was married to my aunt for 28 years before she passed of breast cancer, we're related." Leah glares playfully at her uncle. "Why you have to go and ruin all my fun? I can't flirt with the pretty lady, I can't tease the kids. You kids are no fun."

"Her name is Gina." Daisy turns in her seat, staring back at us. "You have pretty eyes." Daisy compliments Leah, "Thank you! You're are pretty too."

"Thanks!" Daisy's smile literally lights up the car, it's hard not to smile back.

"Jesus Christ..." The mood is instantly ruined when the car comes to a screeching stop. We all stare ahead and there's a whole mob of the flesh eating creatures in the middle of the road. There's got to be hundreds here.

"Mommy I'm scared." Daisy looks up at my mom, and she's at a loss for words. "Hey," Tater grabs her attention. "Come here, everything will be fine." Tater opens up his arms and Daisy scoots closer to him. He wraps his arms around her, and holds her head to his chest. "Remember, we're in here, and they're out there. They can't get us." He assures her. "Promise?" Her voice muffled. Tate looks back at me, and I nod, telling him to promise her. "I promise."

"Drive on, but go slow." Juan tells my mom, she looks back at him and shakes her head. "It'll be fine."

Without another word, she turns back into her seat and lets go of the break. The car begins to roll slowly. "Go a little faster than this though." hint of amusement laced through Juan's voice.

We start breaking through the massive crowd, and the looks of these deceased people are seriously disturbing.

Broken jaws, hanging loosely from their faces. Completely missing jaws. Noses bitten off, faces half gnawed off. They're all so pale, aside from the coloring bruises and dirt.

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