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Waiting, it's the worst, and most miserable thing to do. We don't know how long we will be waiting for this thing to blow over.

"Now wh-" Brielle is cut off as a loud boom echo's and the power shuts off.

It's dark, only light coming through is from the cracks from the covered windows.

"Why did the power go out? What's happening now?" I panic, my heart starts racing, having wild creature people eating each other was enough, now wee have to stay here in the darkness too?

"Grace, do you have candles or anything to lighten up the place?" Brielle ask as she wonders off to a desk that sits in the corner of the room, I hear her open a drawer and shuffle through it, then does the same to the rest of them.

"Grace?" Rhett stands in front of me, only a few inches away, "Do you have any candles?" He ask, I shake my head no. "How do you not have any candles? Everyone has candles in their house!" Brielle snaps.

"Don't yell at her, it's not her-" Rhett is cut off, loud gun shots are heard from outside and the three of us quickly drop to the floor.

"Oh my fucking god . . . we're going to die." I cry, tears start to flow down my cheeks, Brielle looks just as scared as me as she crawls her way over to us. "we're so dead, aren't we?" She asked, her bottom lip trembles as she tries to hold back a sob. Rhett looks at Brielle, then me and shakes his head.

"No, we're not going to die, we'll be ok." He whispers, but his tone doesn't sound encouraging.

"This one!" I hear a man from outside yell, he sounds close. My heart stops and I look wide eyed at Rhett, He keeps his eyes on the door. "They're coming in here." He whispers, he looks panicked, almost as much as we are. Maybe more. Oh God.

"Come on." He grabs hold of us and pulls us to our feet, "we need to hide." He walks towards the basement and we quickly follow behind him. He leads us to a spot under the stairs and we hide, its 100% pitch dark under them and we can only hope they don't have flash lights with them.

We sit under them quietly for what seems like forever, but really, its only been a few minutes. If that.

I don't know when they came in, but I know my heart starts racing when I hear the basement door open. I gasp when I hear foot steps making their way down. Rhett's hand flies to my mouth, covering it tightly.

I silently cry and begin praying to god when I see a light, a flash light, land on our terrified faces.

"Well look what we got here." A tan man with dark shaggy brown hair says, with a smirk plastered to his face. "Get up, all of you." He snaps, and holds a gun in our direction. We all put our hands up and stand up slowly. "Go up stairs, now." We do as he says, he walks up right behind me and I feel him press the gun to my back.

"Ryder, look what I've found." the man shouts as he slams the basement door shut. A few other people walk in and they stare at us then look at the shaggy haired man. "What do we do with them?" Shaggy ask, "I don't know, Cole." He looks frustrated as he runs his hands over his face and through his hair. "Is it just you three?" the Ryder guy ask, and we all nod. "Come with us, we got a shit tone of food, we have been going through all the empty houses collecting food." Ryder Offers for us to go with him. I don't completely trust these guys, shaggy boy just held a gun up to us, and pushed it to my back. I shake my head no, and Ryders eyes snap towards me.

"Why not, Love?" He ask, tilting his head slightly. "I-I uh . . . I don't trust you guys." I stutter, quietly, and a small smile grows on his face, he walks closer to me, to close, his piercing blue eyes bore into mine. "Why's that, you don't even know us." He points out, which is kind of true. "True . . ." I mumble, "But, I-I do know that he held a gun to our faces . . . then pressed it ag-against my back on the way up" I stutter as I try to keep my self from crying, again.

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