
13 4 0

Twenty minutes of driving and the young boy is still sobbing.

I mean, of course he is. His mother just abandoned him, not by choice of course but still hurts all the same.

My heart hurts for the boy, he knew what was wrong with her and he still didnt want to leave her. He didnt care, he just wanted his mom.

Now shes gone and hell never see her again.

"What are we suppose to do with him?" Archer ask, as he slowly drives down the highway, dodging all the abandoned cars. I turn to look at the broken boy, then back to my brother.

"We'll keep him with us till we get help." I tell him, and he nods slowly.

"Lo siento, Emilio" I murmured to the sad boy, he looks at me with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks, and nods.

He wipes his face clear and looks out the window, no more tears fall down his sweet broken face. I turn back in my seat and look out the windshield.

Driving, we pass a few of the flesh eating monsters, at the sound of our car they turn to come our way. Were faster, theyll never catch up.

"Where are we going?" My eyes shoot up, and Archer looks at me, I turn around in my seat again and look at the young boy. "You speak English?" I ask him and he nods and sniffles.

"yeah." He answers flatly,

"Were going to my apartment, I have plenty of food to last us at least two weeks." I inform them both.

"How old are you Emilio?" Archer ask, "I just turned 13 last week" Emilio mumbles,

"It was just you and your mom?" I ask him, and he shakes his head. "my brother is out there somewhere, I know he is. He called and told us to meet him before all the power and towers went out."

"Do you know where?" Archer ask as he drives around a yellow slug bug. Emilio shakes his head again.

"she didnt tell me, we started walking as soon as they got off the phone."

I nod and turn back around. He lost his mom for good, and he may never see his brother again.


Hours later we finally pull up to my apartment building, its completely dark out and Im not 100% sure if its safe to go in there right now.

"I think we should stay in here till the morning. Its to dark to go into an even darker building." I imply, and they both agree.

"What are your names?" We both turn around.

"Damn, I'm so sorry . . . Im Katherine, this is my brother, Archer." I introduce us.

"I wish I had my brother." he mumbles, and once again, my heart breaks for him.

"Whats his name and how old is he?" Archer ask him, he too looks just as heart broken as I feel.

"Hunter, hes 17. He took the car to go hangout with his friends. So when he called and told us to meet up with him we had no other choice but to walk. Hunter had the only car we owned." Emilio explains.

to get the topic off his brother we switch it to other things, not so depressing, and before I know it, Emilio is sound asleep in the back, his head rest against the window, and his mouth is slightly parted, soft snores coming out.


I dont know when I fell asleep, sometime between my silent cries and counting of the pale faced monsters but, when I wake up Im woken to my arm being shoved.

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