[16] Miss moody.

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 To say I was bored was a huge fucking understatement. 

I was currently laying on my bed, processing everything that had just happened down stairs. I was so close to being caught out, and I escaped by the skin of my teeth, I hadn't fully lied, they now know, well think, I used to self harm. Which caused problems since they are probably going to watch me like a hawk for a while now, but those problems could be dealt with and avoided easily, but if they actually knew that I still harmed, cutting would be a shit tone harder and I couldn't be bothered with the stress of being even more sneaky, because I generally wasn't a sneaky, 'shady' person. I preferred to be ignored, but now- GOD I NEED TO STOP THINKING.

Being alone with my thoughts wasn't a good idea. I needed to go somewhere alone, but I doubted anyone would let me out of their sight, urgh! 

I can't remember if Rob and the girls were back yet, I've been up here for probably an hour, and I haven't heard much noise from downstairs, and I couldn't be fucked to go and see. Just argh.

Maybe-no that's stupid. Cut. Oh great, that little voice again. Oh yeah, I might as well be full out crazy, at least then I'd understand why I was like this. 

Cut Leigh. Do it, you know you want to. The voice egged on. I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach and pulled a pillow over my head. Just shut up. I mentally moaned. 

"Leigh." A voice said, oh fucking great, it copies voices. 

"No...Just go." I groaned again. 

"Come on sweetie." The voice nudged me. OK, maybe this voice isn't in my head. 

I took the pillow off my head and looked over my shoulder to see Dianna giving me a sad smile.

"You hungry?" She asked. I shook my head. I really wasn't hungry at all. 

"You have to eat..." She said a little to quietly, almost as if she was afraid of something? I don't know, I keep over thinking I guess.

"Yeah I know, but I'm not hungry and I don't want to make myself eat..." I sigh as I throw my head back down onto my other pillow as I look away from her. 

She sighed. "Then just come downstairs?" She sounded desperate, why? Why would she sound so desperate for me to go downstairs and probably eat? Oh wait.


She watched Maddie like a hawk because she didn't want her to go down 'her' path, and I bet you anything that she wanted to watch me now, just in case. 

I shook my head. "I don't want to. Just let me stay up here."I groaned. Dianna sighed, and I heard her footsteps leave my room. Though not long later someone else's, maybe even hers again were coming closer to my room. I moaned and curled into a ball as I felt the bed dip.

"Lee..." Demi whispered as she nudged me. 

"I'm not going downstairs. And I'm not eating." I stated. Demi sighed. "Why not?" She asked. Ugh I was sick of everyone caring about me, just leave me be.

"I don't want to?" I asked more than stated. 

"Can you look at me?" She asked nicely. I rolled so I was facing her. I was still tucked into a ball and was cuddling the pillow.

She looked sad. Why? I have no idea.

"Demi it's really nothing. I just don't want any food, and I'm too tired to go downstairs." I sighed. I felt bad, and that wasn't a feeling I wanted to get used to at all.

She nodded but didn't look convinced. "I'm just worried about you." She whispered. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't stop the words that left my mouth.

"Do you want to cuddle?" I asked. She smiled at me, it didn't seem fake at all as she nodded and laid down next to me. 

"C'mere..." She giggled as she pulled me closer to her. Her arms wrapped around my waist as my head rested in the crook of her neck. 

"I love you Leigh. Please talk to me if anything upsets you, or if you feel triggered. I want to be there for you no matter what." Demi whispered. I don't know if I was meant to hear though since it was very quiet, so I just nodded a little and snuggled into her a little more. Demi cuddle's are the best. 

Just saying. 

Before I knew it I was drifting off into darkness.

(A/N SO HEY! Sorry it took me soo long to update, I can't believe this is nearly at 100 reads, that's just insane! But thanks for reading. I'll be updating asap so be patient! -Lee) 

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