Chapter 15 ~ Have Some Faith

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The girl wasted no time as she sat across from the angels, "My friend's name is Jasmine Reed, she was kidnapped three days ago by four guys dressed in black and fucked up pairs of teeth that can get stabbed and somehow walk it off like it was nothing. I didn't recognize any of the attackers, so they're not locals. They mentioned a place called The Barn, which is a bar on the east side of town, but nobody knows anything about the kidnappings and nobody recognized the descriptions of the men involved with the attack." the girl put her bag on the table, pulling out a notebook overflowing with sticky notes, "Bodies, if any are found, are usually spread around in seemingly random locations. They show up within five to seven days of the person being kidnapped." A converted tourist map spilled out of the notebook as she spoke, calm and rational, pointing out circled locations. Gabriel noticed other markings written in bright red. One circled location was titled "The Barn" with a trio of question marks, others had little entries and symbols. 

The girl continued, "I think our best shot is here," she tapped an open area with scrawls written across it, "It was where the first body was dropped. Typically with cult-based conversions they try to not kill their perspectives members, which is proved through the odd dead body to missing persons ratio, so I think it was an accident when they killed the first one. Now, if you've just killed someone unwittingly, what's the probability that you would have a backup plan? Not very high. Therefore, the first body dump will most likely be close to their base, within a fifteen minute drive or less. That's what this circle is for-" she indicated a broad green circle that took up a corner of the map, "It's the possible range for where their hide-out is. It also overlaps the neighborhood where some of the younger people have been kidnapped from, including Jasmine."

Gabriel and Castiel stared at the girl as they both tried to play catch up on what she had said. Castiel recovered first, "You've done all this research by yourself? In a span of three days?"

The girl paused, "Well--yeah."

"That's impressive." stated Gabriel as he leaned forward to better study the map. The girl looked at the two and let out a relieved sigh, "I'm just glad you don't think I'm crazy."

"What's your name?" asked Gabriel. The girl sucked in her bottom lip and answered, "I'm Faith. You?"

"I'm Agent Jackson," replied Castiel, " and this is Agent--"

"Agent Micheal."

Gabriel almost got him to roll his eyes.

Halfway through their conversation with Faith, Castiel felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He excused himself and went to stand in a relatively empty corner of the shop as he answered. As he suspected, Dean was not happy returning to an empty car.

"Do I have to start duck taping you two down to get you to stay put?"

"Dean, we have a lead."

There was some scuffling on the other end and a faint argument before Dean's voice came back, "A lead? What is it? Where are you?"

"A young girl says she was at one of the more recent kidnappings. All of her information about the attackers is consistent with that of vampires and she has, apparently, been investigating this personally and come to what I believe is credible information about the possible location of this new nest."

"Yeah? Hm," Castiel could hear Dean repeating the details to Sam as he returned with, "We'll see. Where are you?"

"We are at a coffee shop, but I don't think coming here would be a good idea."

"What? Why?"

"Well, the girl was hesitant to talk to us as a pair. With four people she may feel intimidated and leave."

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