Chapter 14 ~ Team Four-Square

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 When Sam woke up the next day and noticed Dean was gone, he didn't think anything of it. Probably went out searching for breakfast with Cas or something. Sam went about his business, showering, letting out a totally man-like scream when he found Gabriel in his room, throwing said man out of his room so he could get dressed. The usual. It was when Sam let Gabriel back into the room and Gabriel made the comment about Cas still sleeping that a latent alarm started going off in his head.

"Wait, have you seen Dean?"

"Deano? No, not since last night."

Sam pulled out his phone and dialed Dean. No answer. Gabriel didn't help as he shrugged, "He's probably at some bar completely passed out."

"No, Dean wouldn't do that on the first night." Sam replied, moving around to scavenge Dean's stuff to find a clue, "That's a second night thing."

Sam tried to call once more, and still got no response.

"Gabriel, get Cas."

Gabriel grumpily went to fetch the other angel while Sam started to worry. He had peeked out the window and saw the Impala was gone and if Dean wasn't answering his phone something might have happened.

"Sam, what is it?" asked Cas when he stepped inside. His eyes immediately roved the room and he perked as he followed up with, "Where's Dean?"

"That's a good question Cas, I thought he was with you."
"Why would he--" Cas started but then Sam's phone started vibrating in his hand.

Jesus Sammy do you know what time it is?!
Sam sighed in relief as he read the text, his shoulders slumping. Gabriel peered over Cas's shoulder, "Hey kid, when was the last time you really slept?" Sam didn't answer as he replied to Dean with a very stern command to get his ass back to the room. Castiel wandered away to Dean's bag, picking out the necessary items for the day. Gabriel, who was trying not to look concerned walked up to Sam, "I'm serious bud when was the last time you got real sleep?" Sam glanced at Gabriel warily and continued his silent strike as he gathered his things.

"We've got to meet with the sheriff today, you and Cas can tag along if you like but you might have to stay in the car."

Gabriel was visibly unsatisfied with Sam's answer.

When Dean returned Gabriel found great pleasure in the absolute bitch fit Sam threw. Dean had apparently parked in a Target parking lot and fell asleep until Sam spastically called him. Honestly, Gabriel had never heard anything so pathetic and it was great. Castiel was unusually reserved and when resident idiot Dean Winchester would glance over Castiel would act all wounded. Gabriel wondered what spurred the sudden shift this time, but before he could pin Castiel down to spill it, all four of Team Free Will (Gabriel thought that's what they were called anyways) were shoved into the Impala and off towards the sheriff's office (or something like that, Gabriel wasn't paying attention). The ride was dead quiet and Gabriel felt extremely uncomfortably. It was the same feeling he got when Dad would yell at Michael and Lucifer and he would be stuck in the corner praying his brothers wouldn't noticed. If they ever noticed, he got in trouble. Gabriel shivered, repression time he thought as the car came to a stop. Dean and Sam got out, and Sam gave very specific instructions for Gabriel to not leave the Impala for any reason.

So of course he got out the second the two Winchesters were out of sight.

"Gabriel, we shouldn't just wander around--" started Castiel who followed him out of the back, effectively now wandering around, "Oh don't get your feathers in a twist," said Gabriel as he stretched, basking in the sunshine, "How're we supposed to help by sitting in a dumpster-fire waiting to happen?"

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