Chapter 5 ~ Killing The Main Character

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Dean felt the bullet in his chest moments after he registered the sound. It burned, like bullets always did, and he struggled to breathe as if he had just downed the world's strongest whiskey. His senses all snapped out of existence and it was like watching from behind a screen. More screaming, although he couldn't tell who was screaming, exactly. His vision was white and he tried to fight it off, but it only seemed to grow in intensity. He had been shot before, sure, but never by something with such a high caliber and never at such an incredibly close range. The fact the bullet was also probably lodged in his left ventricle also contributed to his daze and overall experience of pain.

Dean laughed, an automatic response to fear, when he saw Cas, an adult Castiel, in his vision --hovering over his body with concern and desperation twisting his eyebrows up in a ridiculous manner. I've died, he thought as Cas cradled his face, I can't believe this is how I go. Cas yelled over his shoulder (or, at least Dean thought, he couldn't really hear anything but constant ringing in his ears) to someone and Dean lifted his bound wrists and rubbed the back of his hand on Cas's cheek. He didn't even really know why he did it, except maybe to try and calm him down. He seemed really upset for some reason. Dean swore, before he passed out, that he saw a shooting star through the roof of the mangled attic ceiling and that, for some reason, made him feel alright. Made him think he could make a wish on his way out.

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