Vernon spit in his face. Harry immediately wanted to wipe the disgusted saliva off him, yet was forced to leave it there as his uncle gripped his jaw to force him to meet his cold and ruthless glare. Harry felt his soul shiver up inside him in shame.

"Never," he spits in Harry's face again, "disrespect our generosity. We are all you have and will ever have. Don't you forget that."

Vernon pulled away just as the scene changed in a misty haze

Harry was in a large room this time. He was at the head of the long, elegant black table. Nearly two dozen pairs of eyes were on him waiting for his next move. Some filled with fear, others filled with admiration. Harry immediately felt the change in the atmosphere

"Where is he!" He shouted. "Where the boy!"

The people closest to him flinched. Harry felt himself sneer at them. He spotted a mop of blonde hair near the end of the table. "Lucius...." He drew. He stood at up his chair and walked closer and closer. Harry's body seem to grow at the fear radiating off the Malfoy. "Lucius, Lucius..." He placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Yes M'lord?"

"You know where the boy is, yes?" He placed a cold, pale hand on his shoulder. His fingertips dug in almost threateningly.

"I...have no idea M'lord. He vanished his room the night prior."

Harry looked to the second blonde on his right. She had long black streaks in her hair and lips red enough to challenge a candy apple. Harry recognized her as Narcissa Malfoy.

She looked towards him, carefully not to make eye contact, and nodded timidly to confirm her husbands words.

"The apparition wards showed no sign of a breach. If he had escaped magicly we would have known. Measures were even taken to permanently seal his bedroom windows. If you would just allow us a little bit of time-"

"Silence!" Harry roared. "I was promised a boy capable of completing the task. I've only allowed you this much leanincy so far because a willing pawn was the last piece I needed to turn over the board. But seeing that you've failed to control him..." he tsk'ed his tongue. "I'll just need to take matters into my own hands, won't I?"

Harry's long black robe slipped down to his elbow exposing the inky snakes slithering in out of a skull on his forearm. The tattoo seemed alive and contagious by the way it made your skin crawl.

It was all silent as Harry pressed his finger on the mark. Searing fiery bursts pulsated around the mark, intensifying with each dragging twist of his finger, jarring and brutal. With each breath the pain amplified, the muscle quivered, his consciousness ebbed. He let loose a yell of agony. He could tell something was wrong. The call had backfired.


Harry gasps out of his abysmal nightmare. His cheeks were wet and his body was bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets were twisted around his limbs, probably because he was thrashing in his sleep. His heart pounded against his chest. Harry trembled. The room was entirely dark. No light anywhere. The remnants of his nightmare still clung to his mind, haunting him. Harry had no trouble imagining Voldermort or his uncle lurking near . A loud rustling came from the other side of the room. Harry let out a frightened cry and forcefully pushed his eyes back into his knees. Even his breaths trembled. He swallowed and once again turned to see the endless darkness of the room. He couldn't see anything.

"Harry?" A confused calls out. Harry had to bite his thumb to prevent himself from whimpering. "Potter. Salazar's name- are you okay?"

Harry was in too much of a frantic state to respond. He waited until he heard a soft whisper and the room's warm candle light's flickered on.

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