Someone to Stay

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[Someone to Stay]


Harry's face was smashed against the freezing glass, The only thing separating them being a thin pence held up by his nose. He could see his uncle standing right behind in the mirror waiting for him to drop it. He never missed a chance to punish Harry, even if he had no idea what he had done wrong.

His seven-year-old body's eyes began to droop from exhaustion and hunger. He hadn't had food in what felt like years. His brain wandered into a daydream of gooey pies and cakes waiting for him once he had succeeded. Of course, he never had before. Uncle Vernon always said he didn't ever do it right. But Dudley did. And he got all the food he wanted, all the time. So maybe if he was good... Right, he'll just have to try harder.

The thought gave him enough energy to straighten up his back, refusing to give up like the older man expected him too. He was careful not to drop the coin in the process. Last time he got really really mad. His face would go purple and his mousy mustache would twitch and Harry would know he would get it really bad. Sometimes he would hurt for days while stuffed in his tiny cupboard.

Uncle Vernon grabbed his head and shoved it harder against the glass. It pushed his nose up roughly and Harry had to stop himself from calling out in pain.

"You earned yourself another hour, boy. You're ungrateful, lazy ass will be in an orphanage just like it should have in the first place if you keep up this act."

Harry tried to shake his head to acknowledge he heard him, as he wasn't supposed to talk. His tiny lip quivered slightly at the sight of the large hands at the back of the neck. Harry hated the most. When he felt so worthless and pathetic when he failed to get away from the hands wrapping around his throat.

To get lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice the small coin slipping. It fell to the washroom's tile floor with a small clink. Before he fully knew what was happening, he was thrown to the floor while his uncle toward over him.

"You worthless boy! Not even able to hold a coin! Why the hell should we keep you under this roof and take care of you if you can't even do that right!"

He amplified his last word with a hard kick to his back. Harry's face scrunched up in pain and effort not the yelp aloud. Harry was not only scared, he was mad. Not only at himself for messing up such an easy task and sabotaging his only chance for food in days, but at his uncle. He wouldn't have messed up if he didn't push him! His game's were unfair. He always won. He began to think that maybe his uncle didn't want him to win. But why would he do that? He didn't do that for Dudley...

Tiny hands did the best they could by covering his head and the rest of him scrunched up in a ball.

"Your parents were right to go off themselves in a car crash. I would have too if I had a son as pathetic as you."

He grabbed the closest item off the counter, which happened to be the glass toothbrush holder, and chucked it at him. Harry could feel a large gash cut across his cheek and another on his forearm.

"But who knows? They were freaks too. Did you know that? You're just like them! They knew they were unwanted, yet stayed and made everyone else's life worse in the process! They didn't have an ounce of purpose and neither do you!"

He bent down this time and gripped the child's wrist. Harry began to rash around wildly. If you listened enough you could hear the soft gasps coming from his chest as he panicked.

Vernon finally wrapped both of the child's hands apart and pinned them on both sides of his head. Harry rushed to meet his eyes and continued to kick with his feet but it was no use. He was trapped.

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