As John and walk down the ramp that leads to the airport terminal, my heart feels like it's doing somersaults in my chest.

Not only am I terrified of facing George and my parents, but I'm still frazzled from the photographs those reporters took. I knew that returning home was going to be difficult, but only now am I realizing just how unprepared I am to be back, and it's far too late to be panicking.

The moment we pass through the doors and enter the terminal, I take a long, anxious sigh. My breath all of the sudden feels incredibly shaky and my legs feel as if they've turned to gel.

John notices what's going on and takes my hand, lacing his fingers in mine as we walk through the airport to the car waiting for us. It was a small gesture, but it reassured me and made me feel a bit better.

"Evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lemon." The man greets us, making me smirk immediately. John looks over to me and I lose it. We both break out in a fit of laughter as we take our respective seats in the car.

"Lemon?" I whisper in his ear, trying not to laugh more as I fasten my seatbelt. "Had to think on me feet..." John playfully hits my shoulder and we both start to laugh again.

"Where to?" says the man in the drivers seat.

I collect myself and widen my eyes, suddenly realizing that I have no idea where to go.

"Um..." I quickly mull over my thoughts. Do I go home? Do I go to a hotel? Do I jump into oncoming traffic? Oh god.

"Today, darling." The man speaks again, this time with impatience filling his words.

"Take us to your nearest hotel." John answers for me. The man nods his head and begins to drive. I gulp down the lump in my throat.

"Hotel?" I ask him.

"Sadie, there's no way ye can face George or yer parents tonight. Besides, it's very late. We'll deal with everything in the morning, yeah?"

"Okay." I sigh and take his hand, then look out of the window.

As we ride along, the familiar scenery of home brings tears to my eyes. For so many years this was where I felt most safe and comfortable, and now I would give anything to be anywhere else in the world. How life has changed...

"Hey." I'm broken out of my daydream by John's voice.

"Hey." I turn my head to face him.

"Are ye alright?" He asks as he notices my tear-stained cheeks.

"I'm fine. I'm just..." I leave my sentence hanging for a second. "I'm just scared."

He gives me a half-hearted smile and looks down to my stomach, then places his hand on it.

"I know, Sadie. It's going to be tough but ye got me. I'm right here." He assured me. "I'll always be right here."

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes. We just switched from looking at each other to looking at my stomach over and over again.

After a while I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"John, I want you to know that I really appreciate you coming."

He smiled wide, his precious dimples showing themselves off.

"I know I didn't make you feel very welcome, but I really don't think I could handle this without you." I said, looking down again at my still relatively flat tummy. "It means a lot to us."

"Well ye and the little mean a lot to me." He grinned. "Ye mean more to me than you'll ever know..."

I looked into his eyes and saw that they were a touch watery.

"What's the matter?" I inquired, reaching for his cheek to wipe his tear away.

John began chuckling and briefly looked out of the window, then back at me.

"Can I ask ye something?" He asks, seemingly pensive.

"Of course." I retort.

"Did ye ever think of me?"

My eyes grow, and I raise a brow in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"When ye left New York the first time... when ye and George got back together... did ye ever think about me? About us?"

My heartbeat quickened.

"Of course! John, you're very dear to me and you know that. Why?"

He locked eyes with me, sweet emotion feeling his brown orbs.

"I thought about you everyday." He mumbled.

I waited for a second to reply, processing what he had just said.


"Whenever we'd talk on the phone I wanted to tell ye how much I missed ye, but I couldn't. Ye seemed like ye were happy and I didn't want to ruin that."


"Sadie I know when we made love that first night ye were still emotional from George breaking things off with ye..." he paused. "But that night might've created this little one." He grinned through his tears and looked to my belly again.

I chuckled softly and looked with him, then we locked eyes again.

"It's quite something, isn't it?" I said. "But John you know..."

"It might not be mine, I know that." He finished my sentence. "But I'm not gonna be mad if it is." He confessed.

I didn't quite know what to say, so I simply stared at him as he continued talking.

"Listen, I don't want anything to ruin our friendship..." He said out of the blue, his voice quiet and meek.

"Why would anything ruin our friendship?" I asked, placing my hand in his once again to reassure him.

"I don't want to lose ye, Sadie." His tone was so low it was nearly inaudible. "Promise me I won't lose ye." My eyes welled with tears.

"John, You're scaring me... what's wrong?" I was genuinely starting to panic as John became more and more emotional.

John opened his mouth to speak, but before he had a chance to say anything the car stopped abruptly, right in front of the hotel. I couldn't help but notice right off the bat that it was the same one George had taken me to for my birthday. Wonderful.

"Alright Mr. and Mrs. Lemon, here we are!" The driver announces. I don't even react to him, my eyes stay glued to John's face.

"John?" I mumble sheepishly one last time, squeezing his hand tight.

"Sadie, I'm in love with ye."


I don't even know anymore, ya'll LOL.

Sorry if it seems like I'm making this a John story... I swear that wasn't the intention. I'm just loving how soft he is! Next chapter will include George, don't you worry!

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