Jason stared at Andrew, and smirked he must be kidding.

Jason this ain’t a joke, Hoyt has powers you are unaware of , this island is HIS , the men are HIS , terror is HIM” Andrew’s eyes showed he was true.

“Okay okay, I understand, but what should I do ?”

“Nothing, nothing is what you’ll do , the north island is not the place for you ! You’re lucky I was there, else you would be in some cell! we don’t have much time on our side , it’ll be not too late , when Hoyt’s men , find about me , I have arranged a car , for your departure ,pack up !”

Jason was all muddled up ,what’s all this!

Minutes later, Jason and Vittoria were being driven to some place they didn’t dare ask, they cut sharply at a turn , Jason fell on Vittoria , she smiled , and then a blinding explosion , threw them up . The car rolled on its roll cage and in seconds, Jason’s vision lay parallel to the ground, his leg desperately beating to escape the weight over them and then darkness.

*                                             *

*(the camera has pictures of jason’s sky diving trip with vittoria)*

“You guys think you're crazy, huh? Jumping out of airplanes... flying like birds?  That is crazy! I like this camera. This is a nice fucking camera. So, what do we have here? vittoria... and Jason... from California, huh? Well, I hope your mama and papa really, really love you, cause you two whites  look expensive! And that's good because I like expensive things... “

Vittoria  mumbled ”who-d hell….”

“I'm sorry, what did you say? What did you say? Do you want me to slice you open like I did to your driver? SHUT THE FUCK UP! Okay? I'm the one with the fucking voice! Look at me, look me in the eye. HEY! YOU! Look me in the eye. You're my. I rule this fucking kingdom. Shut up... or you die.”

Jason gathered all his power and spoke “whoever you----u are….” His voice trailed off.

“What is it, Jason? Jason, what is it? Why aren't you laughing now like you did back there?(shows him the camera)  What, is this not fun anymore? Have I failed to entertain you? You see, thing is, up there, you thought you had a chance. Waaaay, up in the fucking skies, you thought you had your finger on the trigger. But hermano, down here... down here? You hit the ground.”

The man walked away with the camera , taking his place a brute came running with an AK in his hands.

“hola , you wanna eat ?” and in no time , he slid two plates with something like food for the pigs.

Jason spoke “hey can you come here?”

The man looked at him in disgust but followed, “what is it?”

As  he reached the cage bar , Jason took hold of his head and hit it hard on the rod .


AUTHOR'S NOTE: the new character input requires use of such language.

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