Jason was born to a proud family, rich and proud. His dad Mr.Waldo was a highly revered man  in the country .two ranches and a pig shed supported them enough , to give their child all he wanted  . on his 18th birthday  , Jason had registered for 12 skydive programs , and had done it from any flying thing he could find . His physique had even won him a place in the reed rugby team.

Life had been smooth sailing, it was then when he met Vittoria and she was her strength after….

A night returning back to his home, Jason saw the ranch on fire .Rushing to the house, he found someone had closed the eyes. The loving expression was now gone from the faces. They looked to be a sleep now. Jason could have believed it if not for all of the blood. That's what a bullet to the brain will do.. The scene spoke of rage and hate. The bodies had been abandoned on the cold white floor now stained with red. The drag marks screamed to Jason REVENGE. But he never found who killed his parents.

“I stood on the porch , long .. Seeing what seemed a nightmare and absorbing the fact of its actual-ness , I laughed , I told myself ‘Jason ! wake up its just a bad dream’ but…”

Vittoria saw tears brimming on Jason’s hazel eyes.

“I’m sorry”

“I’ll find those bastards someday “only if I could find a clue.

*                                             *                                             *                                                             *                                            

They had been flying long, vittoria seemed  asleep , but Jason kept watching the clouds , when he heard a *buzz*

“This is you CAPTAIN speaking, the airplane will halt at panau for a refuel”

“What did he say, hm?” Vittoria asked half-asleep.

“We are about to touchdown, fasten your belts “

Wait, shouldn’t it be the pilot telling ‘bout the belts, maybe he’s just learning.

The jet landed on a beautiful island. Huddling into the exuberant verdure the beautiful waterfalls inland were like a sight of the paradise. Watching them for hours will not be enough to satiate your desire to feast your eyes.

Life’s good, Jason thought. Jason THOUGHT.

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