Chapter 2: Alex POV

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And there i was, left alone in a room with one thought revolving in my head,she was just there on that bed two days ago....

A bottle of milk was all i could find to console myself, a bottle of whisky would have been better but am a teetotaler. I could remember that glorious day, we just graduated from high school and one of my friends decided it would be fun to hold a party at his place as a way to celebrate our victory over high school. I ended up super drunk by the time i got home. My mum was scared and angry at the same time, i remember how she was screaming at me...if only it ended there. So i woke up the next morning to find out that i actually slapped my mum while i was sober.

Now i think about it, it seems really funny now but i can assure you that back then it wasn't. It took me months to get her to forgive me and it didn't end there. I had to behave like a good son which i already was but only with a little more extra for two years before she finally got it out of her mind. And that's how i became a teetotaler, thinking about this now i feel a cold shower would get me back on my feet.

Twenty minutes in the shower and my body had started going numb, oh shit i think my mind has gone numb too. The sounds from the rushing cold water running down my body was slowly becoming low, the feeling of the cold sensation from the water began to lose its sensitivity to my skin and finally i lost myself. My brain felt empty, unable to stop thinking about how it hurts to lose her the way i did.

I soon heard my phone ringing from the other room which knocked me out  my state of nothingness. I got out of the shower and picked up the phone

"Hello, Chris whats up"

"You got a lot of guts calling your boss by his name, but that's not the problem, are you okay?"

"Ho-w do you mean?what are you talking about?"

"Don't act dumb with me, i know you broke up with that girl two days ago, and if i know you well, you are still bitching about her"

"And what if i am?you shouldn't be affected"

"Wrong!when it starts affecting your job then it becomes my problem. You got a client today, his name is Dennis Hawk..."

"Wait, hold on a minute, i don't think  am ready to do any kind of job right now, give it to Joe, am sure he can handle it"

"I think your are starting to have a mental problem, you don't get to give the orders, i do. Now listen, he is  a very important client and he paid for the VIP treatment so he is going to get it. You are the best man we got right now so you are going to do it...tonight"

"Oh cmon Chris, can't you have a heart for once?"

"Maybe i should add two more clients..."

"No no no...*sign*, i will do it"

"Just what i wanted to hear, i will send you the location were you guys will met up, make sure you don't blow it"

"Okay i wouldn't, but seriously why are you doing this to me?"

"I can't let my favorite player remain down for long, it affects my business"

*call ended*

"Business? How did i end up with a jerk for a boss"i muttered to myself as i pick out the clothes i going to wear for tonight session.


At 7pm mike came to pick me up from my apartment. He horned like four to five times as though he thought i was not expecting him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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