Chapter 1:Nero's POV

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"Come on bro, you don't have to be that harsh on know he is not like that"i chipped in at Destiny,

"Nani?, he talks to hundreds of girls everyday but he can't bang even one because of his self righteous pursuit for true did we even meet? sure it must have been some kind of sorcery cause i can't know guys like you, it can't be good for my health"Destiny uttered while pretending to be sick.
{Nani is a Japanese word for 'what' in English}

I punched him on the shoulders, "hey, you aren't helping"i scolded Destiny,
"Ouch!...okay i know what will make you feel better,come closer" destiny uttered as he he went closer to Alex and whisper something in his ear. Immediately Alex and Destiny bursted into laughter, "We can't snick into girl's hostel that would be suicide" Alex chuckled. My heart skipped a beat" what?!!!...okay its official Destiny is bad at giving advice, don't ever listen to him" i warned, Alex and Destiny continued laughing.

I took a deep breath "what has been done has been done,welcome back to the single's men club" i congratulated him but Eric started giving me that weird stare again, i could tell he was disappointed but who cares, it just feels great not to be in the club alone. Don't get me wrong, Eric and Destiny aren't dating but if they want to, they surely can in a matter of months but unlike me..., suddenly my eyes caught Jane again." "Shit she is so beautiful!" i mumble.

"Who's hungry?..." I popped the question everybody seemed to have forgotten. Eric looked at me..."who's turn is it to sponsor the squad?" Eric inquired, i knew it was me but i still pretended i was thinking, then i noticed Destiny staring at me, soon everybody was staring at me even Alex that was in a sad mood...Shit they all remembered. " okay...i am paying, but that's if we are all going there now, i can't stand this sensation to feed the beast in me" i grumbled. "Can't you hold it for a few more minutes?" Alex asked, the question just hit a nerve
" say that again and i will eat you" i threaten. "Oh he got his beast mode on again, call Jane she is the only chain that can hold him down" Destiny teases me, i suddenly had goosebumps, "you see? its working already, he's blushing" Destiny started again and i felt like snapping his neck. He started running "oh you aren't getting away that easily" i shouted as i ran behind him. I could hear Alex and Eric laughing behind us. God just let me catch him just this once...i promise not to kill him...i prayed deep down in my heart.


At the back of lt1, the building we usually have lectures, there was a long horizontal line of stores and restaurants directly opposite it. Some into selling of snacks,some into computer related services, some into photography and others into selling of food.

It was somehow reassuring that there were so many restaurants but to be honest not everybody loves cooking. Some just cook to the get money while others cook to see that beautiful smile on their consumer's faces. I love those people...their food reminds me of home.

We got to our favourite restaurant, "Moy Dom" which was Russia for My house. It had a lot of significances to us cause Mrs Rylee decided to give us the honor of naming her restaurant. It was her way of showing gratitude to us for helping her secure the location of her restaurant.

Walking into Moy Dom was like walking into a fridge after spending much time under the hot sun. The feeling was irreplaceable, the air conditional made the restaurant have this exquisite sensation. It basically made me fill like i am in an expensive restaurant every time i step in, even though the table and chairs settings always brought me back to reality. I usually give it a five for general appearance but a ten for their food.

As soon as we took our sits, a girl walked up to us, she was obviously new, she was light skin, with blonde ponytail hair style and She was average in high. She was putting on a pink handless top with "YOURS" labelled at the front and a skinny blue jeans which showed off her curves. Her presence demanded attention, everybody was occasionally staring at her while she was at our table. Alex was the first to break the silence which seem to have flooded our table since she came.

"Hmm...excuse me?"

"Yes sir, what would you like to have sir?"

"The usual, for me and my friends each"

"Um..can you be more specific sir, i don't have all the time in the world"

The table was silent again, this time Destiny opened the floor

"Are you new here?"
Destiny inquired, which seem dumb to me but i didn't say anything

"Yes, i just started this morning"
The girl replied,

"Oh..." Destiny uttered with obvious disappointment written on his face,

"what happened to Lily?where is she?" Destiny continued.

She was a bit hesitant to speak but she continued,
" she travelled to Lagos to spent more time with her family, if you really need to see her that badly, she would be back in three months"she resorted,

"Oh men, three months? Well i guess we are stuck with you then"
Destiny replied while placing his hand on his face,

"It would seem you are not ready to eat, if you would excuse me i have better things to do,ssssir" she replied as she went over to attend to other costumers.

"Dude what the fuck did you do that for?" I leashed out at Destiny

"Chill bro, i just don't like bitches like that" Destiny defends

"Why do you keep doing this to yourself man?, i know you, you act like this any time you met a hot girl, especially if she is a ten, you got women issues bro" Alex reacted

" For some reason i do not know why but i think you are scared of girls" Eric contributed,

"Don't give me that shit, i aren't scared of nobody" Destiny retort

"Am not going to sit here and debate an inconclusive argument with this half baked Misogyny and die of hunger" i finally let out my inner thoughts,

"Hahaha....chill bro, if he was really a misogyny i wouldn't be caught dead talking with him" Alex replied.

"That's your problem, me hungry, me go get us some food" i mimicked a character i watched on TV the other day.
I didn't waste time, i went straight to Mrs Rylee, she was in the kitchen supervising her chefs,

"Mmm...Mrs Rylee?" I called out from the counter separating us,

"Oh Nero my dear sweet boy, how are you today?" Mrs Rylee was cheerful as always,

"Fine ma, just super hungry" i replied

"Oh mine, hasn't Tracy attended to you yet?"she inquired while pointing to the girl that was at our table a couple of minutes ago,

Oh that's her name...interesting

"Um..she did but Destiny started his know what i mean?"
I tried to explain to her

"Hahaha, i know what you mean, he did the same thing when lily was around, am starting to think he might actually hate girls"Mrs Rylee assumed,

"Hahaha...Mrs Rylee i can't laugh right now, am super hungry" i pleaded with her

"Oh mine, i forgot. Let me get something for you and your friends then" she said while she hurried into her kitchen.

While waiting i turned to look at my friends and i noticed Tracy staring at me, though she acted like she wasn't but i know i saw her staring at me.
...or was i imagining things?

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