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*marginally altered*

Capricorn, the goat (22nd December - 20th January)

Saturn, Earth

Sometimes small in stature, and with dark piercing eyes, Capricorns often give the impression that they think whoever talks to them is only doing so for their own motives. That's why they often find it hard to smile, but when they do . . . it's like watching the sun break through a stormy sky, turning the world gold. Earth is their element, one associated with routine and tradition. And that's Capricorn - plodding along, sticking to planes, but getting there - always getting there - in the end. If there were twelve cardinal virtues and each one was ascribed to a planet, then Capricorn's would surely be patience. They may not give their friendship easily for they seem to have a self-imposed barrier around them. But when they let it slip and invite someone through, the force of warmth of their personalities can be as overpowering and unexpected. Capricorns often suffer low self-esteem, but they don't hold anyone else in high regard either, so it doesn't make much difference to them. If there's an injustice to be handed out, Capricorns will be first in the queue, hands stretched out to take it. But, when they think they have been treated really unfairly, they will bide their time, waiting for the right moment to get revenge (although if you accused them of this, they would look at you in open-mouthed disbelief). Capricorns are a bit of a cold fish in the romantic department. Not for them a long, sweet seduction. Not for them hours of world-moving foreplay. With Capricorn, it's "what you see is what you get and let's get it over with as quickly as possible, I've got better things to do". Marriage to a Capricorn is marriage for life. Their steadfastness and loyalty are legend, and they expect the same in return. Virgo's make good marriage partners -  they will help their spouse run their business affaires efficiently and keep them in line in the domestic front. Taurus often offers what Capricorn is looking for in love. But if a Capricorn is considering a Gemini for marriage bed, best think again; Gemini lacks the ambition that Capricorns need to achieve complete fulfilment. Aquarians are too independent and eccentric to make a good math with Capricorn. But if one sign should be married, it's Capricorn. Marriage is often the making of Capricorn. It brings them out of their shell and helps them see past their self-imposed horizons. Capricorns, with their methodical, well-planned approach to things make good businessmen. They also make good teachers, lawyers and politicians. They are good at using the latest IT to help them achieve their goals, and as they have little respect for authority, when they do achieve them, it is through their own efforts rather than using the favour of others help them to the top rung.

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