21 - The Johnny I Never Met

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As I watched Johnny make his way inside the bar, I leaned back against his car, wondering why he was so nervous. It seemed like something had shaken him over the past few weeks, and he wouldn’t talk to me about it. He hadn’t even made love to me in as much time. Perhaps he was still worried about Alana, but it didn’t seem like she was going to be a problem anymore.

All of that was wiped from my mind once Julia pulled up in her Corvette…with someone in the passenger seat, who looked like a guy. I literally squeezed my eyes shut and crossed my fingers that it wasn’t Phillip. With him showing up, it would just ruin Johnny’s big night.

All I wanted was for Johnny to smile just once.

I made a beeline across the parking lot where Julia took her parking space and watched the dark haired vixen step out, along with the mystery man. From his average height and scrawny build, he definitely wasn’t Philip and I silently thanked my lucky stars.

“Hey Jules!” I shouted, waving my hand at her. She whipped her head around and flashed her perfect smile. I didn’t realize how much I missed a friendly smile.

“Whass up? Are you ready to party?” I could tell from her slurred dialect, and the half- full vodka bottle, that she was already drunk.

“Where’d you get the booze?” I asked as I stared at the label of the clear liquid she held in her hand. It was the same kind my dad drank.

“Clint bought it for me,” she cooed as she placed her arms around her date’s neck. I eyed him for a moment, taking in his perfect blonde hair and swift outfit…and the fact that he had his hands stuffed in his pockets when a beautiful girl was hanging all over him. He had to be gay.

As soon as he spoke, his voice confirmed my assumations. “You must be the naughty one with the teacher boyfriend, huh?”

I gave Julia the evil eye. What was she doing telling strangers my business? She didn’t even notice that I was even looking at her. Her eyes were glazed over as she laid her cheek against his shoulder. It looked like she had gone from happy to sad in a matter of seconds.

 Clint must’ve noticed the look on my face because he chuckled and shoved her off of him. She just swung her weight to her other side and leaned against a random car.

“I won’t tell about the teacher or anything,” he assured under his breath. “She’s just been blabbing out everyone’s secrets today. She’s like a walking drunken TMZ.”

“What happened to her?” I asked, still unsure of this guy. Julia never told me about any Clint and I sure as hell had never seen him around before.

“Some guy broke her heart,” he sighed, shaking his head. "It's only been two hours."

“Y’know, I’m right here,” Julia piped in, lolling her head back and forth. 

Clint smirked and nudged my shoulder. “Just like her sister.”

I restrained myself from rolling my eyes at him. “We should probably get her inside before she’s arrested for public intoxication.”

As soon as we walked through the door, it was jam freaking packed in there. I couldn’t even see the stage from the back. Couldn’t even see if Johnny was setting up yet. Julia hooked her arm with mine to make sure we didn’t lose each other. Clint hovered behind us. “Would you girls like a drink?”

“I would!” Julia squealed, holding up her hand as if she were in school.

Clint looked over at me and I shook my head. “Well, if you need anything, let me know.” He winked at the both of us and took off through the crowd.

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