10 - Quarrel at the Coffee Shop

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Warning: Explicit-ish chapter. Read at your own risk.



I woke up to an empty bed, a throbbing headache, and a bright blinking phone. The first thing I thought of was Lola, and how I’d dreamt of making love to her. The feelings of her touch and kiss still lingered all over my body as if it were all real.

I glanced at my phone and groaned at the too familiar number on the screen. Sixteen missed calls from Alana, as well as twenty text messages. Some of them were jumbles of capitalized letters, and some were asking where I went last night. I thought about it for a moment, not able to recall the events of the night before. I couldn’t even remember what day it was.

I cancelled out everything on my phone and pushed the covers off of me, noticing that I was completely naked. It struck me kind of odd since I usually slept in boxers at the least. After reaching up and turning my lamp on, I rubbed my eyes and looked down at the red spot in my bed.

Guilt ridden horror rushed through my veins. I’d hoped I had a wound or something but everything on my bare body was intact. The blood was in the same place where I took Lola, and it most definitely belonged to her.


I stared at my puke in the grass as I knelt down in a random ditch somewhere in a neighborhood close to my house. I’d been walking around for four hours straight, trying to tell myself that nothing happened with Mr. Casey but it did. I could still feel his touch crawling on my skin and the knots in my stomach wouldn’t let me at ease.

I was completely shaken with the most beautiful thing that had ever happened in my life. I couldn’t believe I’d called him Johnny. I couldn’t believe I let him do all those things to me. I couldn’t believe he made me feel…

The familiar rumble of a car subsided behind me. I turned to see the pitch black Camaro parked on the other side of the road. I quickly turned back and rubbed the tears from my cheeks before covering up my mess with some dead grass. When I heard the car door slam, I hurried to get on my feet and put on the best smile that I could. It didn’t help with the fact that Philip was livid.

I wanted to say that I was so happy to see him so I could see that last night was a mistake. I didn’t feel happy—I felt worse. Still, I was sure that what I did had been a mistake, but one I’d never regret.

Philip stormed up to me and stopped inches from my face. “Where did you go? Do you know that Julia and I stayed out all night looking for you? We even went to your house!” he shouted.

I gulped hard and looked down at the ground where the little pile of discolored grass sat. “You went to my house?” I asked calmly, knowing good and well which house he meant.

“Yeah, Lola. Julia took me to your real house. Why did you lie to me?” He stared at me coldly, taking notice that I was still in the red dress.

“D-did you go inside?” I stuttered, praying he would say no.

“Yes, and your parents said they hadn’t heard from you in a couple of days. Now tell me why you lied to me, Lola.” He breathed heavily through his nose and crossed his arms over his chest. My gaze lifted to his fuming eyes. He waited impatiently for an answer.

“What can I say?” I shrugged, forcing a pitiful chuckle. “I live in a dump when everyone else I know live such privileged lives. I have no car, no phone, and only one friend. I’m…pathetic.”

Philip’s muscles started to relax and he reached for my hand. I wanted to cringe when he touched me. “You aren’t pathetic, babe,” he said softly, almost making me want to throw up a second time. I pulled away from his hand and tried to hide the disgust on my face. What the hell was wrong with me?

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