1 - TGIF, Right?

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Rated R

All Chapters of Coffee With Mr. Casey have not been edited. After the story is finished, I will be coming back to edit this into third person. Enjoy!



I could feel his dark, watchful eyes on me as I began writing the first word out of the Webster's new dictionary--something I was all too familiar with. His expensive ballpoint pen tapped against the neatly organized Cherry Oak desk. He grazed his teeth over his very red bottom lip. Every time he’d move, his roller chair would make a screeching sound, disturbing me from being able to concentrate on what I was writing. His constant scrutiny was uncomfortable, nonetheless. Mr. Casey was a young, austere teacher, serious about his profession as well as giving me hell.

He was never necessarily my teacher, having come to the school first semester of my senior year. He was the new ninth grade English teacher, as well as the after-school detention instructor. We had gotten to know each other on an unspoken basis over the past few months due to my run-ins with him in the hallway. Funny thing was, no other teacher had ever sent me to detention for anything. It was Mr. Casey who’d catch me running to class tardy, or chewing gum when I wasn’t supposed to. He really pissed me off to no end. I’d had perfect grades, no detention, and no ISS until he came along. 

Mr. Casey was my arch nemesis.

And I was in detention with him...alone.

“Ms. Farber, continue with your work, please. You still have an hour left,” his deep voice rang through my ears. I hadn’t realized I was staring at him, more or less giving him the evil eye. His dark, curly hair looked disheveled, like he’d woken up this morning and left straight for school. His ugly brown suit looked worn but I wasn’t surprised. He wore that thing a lot. The large bags under his eyes made him look a little older than he was. Other than that, he was horrifyingly perfect, you know? He was the kind of teacher that girls fantasized about, yet they hated going to his class because he was so malevolent. His slightly crooked teeth created the perfect malicious smile. And it only seemed that he would smile when he was making a student burst out of the classroom, bawling their eyes out. He’d done that plenty of times, I’ve heard. I hated people like him—so sure of himself, thinking he’s smarter than everyone else just because he's a high school teacher.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, finally finishing the last of the definition I had started. Man, this was going to be a long day.

“Actually,” he cleared his throat, making the loud noise with his chair as he leaned forward. His hands rested over the stupid book he was reading. It was probably some kind of hoity-toity collection of classic poetry or something. “Go ahead and close the dictionary. You won’t need to do that today. There’s something important we should discuss and I’ll let you go as soon as we’re done, okay?”

Hallelujah! I was finally going to be able to go to that awesome swimming class with Julia. I’d only gotten to go a few times before and there was this guy…

“You see Lola,” he coughed again, “I’ve noticed that your detentions are starting to stack up considerably. As a matter of fact, you’ve been in here every day with me for the past month. Why is it that you keep acting up?”

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