Chapter 19

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♪Ache by James Harrington♪

Henry has yet to say a word to Ella in days despite the many attempts of Alexia to start conversation. “Seriously, you two are just. . .” Alexia slams her bowl of cereal. Ella still sipped her now empty coffee mug determined not to leave the table first.

“That’s it? you’ll just keep sipping on your mug and you’ll just keep typing on your goddamn computer. I could not understand how the two of you raised me despite your immaturity!” She slid her spoon and it hits Henry’s computer and storms out. Ella finally puts her mug down and purses her lips. Alexia’s right anyway, someone needs to speak first.

She clears her throat and spoke first, “Henry?”

“Hmm?” he didn’t make eye contact his fingers still tapped the keyboard. He still doesn’t want to talk. “Alexia’s right you know, sooner or later we have to talk. We need to dis. . .dammit Henry! Will you stop that?!” the sound of the tapping broke her concentration. He sighed and rubbed his temples before looking at her. He raised an eyebrow and when Ella didn’t say anything, he went back to his computer.


“Please Elizabetha. We’ll have to discuss what we need to discuss after I arrange this crazy schedule of yours” he tapped faster. She noticed his determination to shut her off. “We’ll talk when I get back” She grabs her jacket off the table. “Where are you going? You don’t have anything on schedule today” Ella wished he didn’t ask that.

She slid her arms to the jacket. “I promised Nicholas I’d visit him on set on my free days. so…” she trailed off.  An awkward silence followed Nicholas’ name as she turns her back to Henry She whips her hair and adjusts her jacket. “Alone?” he asks and she simply nodded. That familiar tension brewed between them. “Y’know Henry” she started, “I want to talk about this, what ticked you off to run to Italy, This silent treatment and. . . Nicholas” she turns to him revealing his failed attempt to keep his face straight. Henry pursed his lips and for a second she thought he’d scream. “I know” he said solemnly. Relief rushed over Ella. “But you don’t need to worry about it Ella, I’m just coming to terms with things”—he closes his laptop and strides to Ella—“we’ve been through much worse than this” he smiled.

It felt like a slap to her face, his kind words, his hopeful eyes. The same ones over the centuries. That sick feeling in her gut came again, the one she feels when she is reminded of how she is stringing him along. How she told him countless times how she doesn’t love him but she needs him. But she loves. . .The thought numbed her too much she didn’t notice how her chin was now on Henry’s shoulder and his arms are around her. She saw his amber eyes too close. Close enough to see her own in them and his breathe teasing her lips. Her mind was too occupied to think about their distance, or rather, the lack of it.

“I-I’m late” she managed.

He gave a weak smile seeing the struggle in her eyes. She didn’t hold him back, unlike every other time. She took her keys and walked slowly to the door, detached and faraway with her eyebrows furrowed. Henry can’t help but think, maybe he said something.

“That’s it?”

“What’s ‘it’ Olivia?” He recognized the voice that suddenly spoke. Henry saw her with arms crossed with a judging look. He goes back to his seat at the counter and goes back to typing. “It. As in, she-just-wants-to talk-about-and-you-just-forgive-her, IT?” She slams the computer shut.  He throws his hands in defeat seeing Libby’s eyes turn black and red.

She cocks her head waiting for his explanation. “Calm down” he demanded. Libby instantly calmed and retreated to sit in front of him. She knows better than to raise her voice again to her maker. “I’m sorry but I just can’t understand your thought process on this Henry. She is stringing you along since we were still human and you. . .” she sighed “You are my maker Henry, you’re the closest thing I have to a family. I’ve told you a hundred times, It pains me to see you like this. She IS my friend but she doesn’t deserve you”.

A few silent seconds passed as Henry looked at the tears forming in her eyes. He looked surprise then pained as he looked away. Libby thought of the how she told him off. This time, she said it with desperation. In a span of centuries, the only times she would let her humanity to creep in was when he tells Henry this.

“Don’t I deserve her?”

Henry’s amber eyes scorched her as he looked up beneath his lashes. Libby looked away from the intensity. “And what? Wait for this ‘Nicholas phase’ to pass?” she slammed the words down hard as she sneered. “What’s a few more years, and with the eyes of the world around them? A few months maybe” he looked down.

“Wait huh?” she shook her head in disbelief.

He shrugged.

“I need to tell you something Henry.” her voice dropped a full octave. He looked up with a puzzled expression from the seriousness of Libby’s voice. “I was counting that you’d stay angry with her and I don’t know, maybe, move on?” she takes an unnecessary breath “Look, I stayed because you told me to and with that short time I saw it Henry. This-this is not a ‘Phase’” she did air-quotes.

“What do you mean, Olivia?” he gave soft laugh.

Libby struggled for words. “I’ve never seen her this happy, this controlled ever. Not even with you. She stopped feeding fresh and she tells me it’s because of that stint she did that got national news but I know its because of him” She recalls how impulsive Ella was in the past. She was never someone to deprive herself from her bloodlust. Libby saw that he understood what she meant. “You think that I’ve kept her in line for the past months but I didn’t do it. Nicholas did, and he doesn’t even know his effect on her.”

“I see you’ve chosen sides” Henry said with venom and betrayal spewing from his eyes.

She felt her throat clench. She would never betray him but the truth is, it is a far worse betrayal to let him be like this. “I will always be there for you, remember that but with this? You can’t win. There is no competition” he stood up at her words. Wiping the sides of his lips with his fingers.

“How can I not compete, Olivia? How can a human who met her months ago better than me?!” he snapped. The composure he maintained since he came back was gone.

“It’s the way, they look at each other. I’ve seen it before Henry and there’s no denying that. You saw it and you got scared that’s why you left. She looks at him the way she looks at Phillip” She blurted out. The truth was out. His eyes widened as he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. “Am I right? Just one glimpse of that and you ran away.” he didn’t reply but instead he came back to his seat.

He laughs grimly, “500 years and still my problem is Phillip”.

That’s as good as a yes. Libby touches his hand. “I came between her and Phillip once, it destroyed her. So, please understand if I won’t come between them now”. He gave it a silent thought  “I remember, you told Phillip”. She looked down and exhaled “She doesn’t know that, right?” she looked up at Henry’s amber eyes. “No clue” he replied.

“So you understand that if Elizabeth asks me, I will turn Nicholas and you will not stop me”. She stared at him with a determined look as he nodded reluctantly.

Alexia came with heavy footsteps, “Where have you been, Lib?”

“umm. . . nowhere” she panicked. Alexia narrowed her eyes but shrugged, “I need you to drive me around get a proper tour of this place” She tugged Libby’s arm. 

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