Chapter 21

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She stopped at the farthest spot from the set that still have service. Ella calls Libby back and based on the amount of curse words and the fact that it was all caps, she’s pissed. Bless her sweet face but Olivia is a big sailor mouth so she prepares on mentally bleeping her.

Libby answers on the third ring and before Ella can even open her mouth, “What the fuck Elizabeth?!” she rolled her eyes. “Hello to you too” she quipped.

“No no no! YOU will NOT sass me! You know what that shit can do to you. It fucks up personality El! That’s why you’re so out of fucking character lately and here I am going Rah-Rah-Rah on Team NickEl but it was all a high?!!! I understand if you hit it a little but that much??!!! YOU ARE MAD!”

Ella was speechless. She needed to process whatever Libby just said but she’s absolutely lost. Libby is still screaming on the other line. “Calm down, I need context here” she managed to squeeze a sentence in between of her bleeping. Yes, she somehow turned the curses to bleeps. It’s a talent.

“BLEEP! I can’t calm the bleep down! seriously? You hide your stash of serpenteine in the glove compartment of my car. MY. CAR! That is a new low on junkie history. SERPENTEINE IN MY CAR!”

Ella hears the rapid breathing from the other line.


“Yes Elizabeth, the stuff we call Heroin for the supernaturals”

“I know what that is but how did it get in your car?”

“I dunno I was hoping you can answer that Ms.i-love-carnage-now-i-am-not-feeding-fresh” she accusingly hissed. It does look bad for her but she has never done serpenteine ever. She saw what it did, imagine how bad a heroin addict times a hundred plus psychoactive drugs. “That’s not mine” she defends.

“oh please! Then who else would—“ she stopped talking. Ella knows she’s thinking what she’s thinking.

“I’m going home. He nee—” Ella was filled with dread.

 “No, I got this. Its better if you’re not here when I. . ” Libby cuts her off. “Yeah. . .this is my fault” the words slipped Ella and Libby doesn’t even disagrees. She can hear Libby sigh. In her mind she knows that she blames it all on her. “umm. . .soooo. . .we’ll talk later” Libby awkwardly said.

As Libby hangs up, Ella stood there for a few minutes in the middle of the woods immersed in guilt. Please emotions go away, she pleaded. She can deal with anything just not guilt not soul-drilling guilt. Blood, she needs fresh blood.

Ella stopped just before the set then walked in human speed. If she feeds, she needs to get out of there. Too many vampires. As she pass, some bowed their heads discreetly the others just looked down. She’s hungry and she knows that they can tell. Her throat feels like sandpaper as she swallows her saliva. She hears to heartbeats coming to her and she mentally shakes herself to get it together just long enough to say goodbye and get her keys. Or maybe she could just run? Oh wait, she can’t.

The chatters became louder as she started going up the grand stairway.

“Oh my gosh! YOU ARE A-MA-ZING!” a blonde woman Ella recognized as Katrina ran to her with hands flying in the air, “Terrence and I saw the video you and Nick just did and we’re floored. . .”  she looked at the man standing beside the woman, another actor. Katrina’s voice was overpowered by their heartbeats.

Lub-dub Lub-dub Lub-dub

“AAAnd. . .I told him that you sang with David at the ball and Terrence does NOT be—“ Gosh, this ones annoying, she could just snap her neck. Maybe she will, Ella had a grudge on little miss sunshine over here since Nick and her did that scene. The one in the car with the ‘trace kisses down the navel’ part. Yep. Ella watched take after take after take, all twelve and she just had to go out.

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