Chapter 3

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♪Top of the world by The cataracts♪

♪We found love by Rhianna♪                        

♪Somebody that I used to know by Walk of the earth (Gotype cover)♪

She can hear the shutters and flashes a mile away. Ella was still weighing the limits of fame. When, where, what is too much. So far the council, including her father, hasn’t given her any warning shots. It’s not like she’s the first. There were many who took a little dip in this world of the limelight including a platinum bombshell and a vocalist of a rockband. Each gained iconic status and many more discreet ones. She braced herself.

Someone opened the door and blinding flashes hit her hard. Smile smile smile, she reminded. The red carpet routine has begun. Henry saw her transform into someone else the time she stepped on the carpet. Elizabetha is gone and Ella Matthews took over. Her alter ego consuming the spotlight with her smiles, flirty waves and blown kisses. It made him happy seeing her in such light, such vibrancy. She looked back and they met eye to eye and for a second it was Elizabetha and also for a second nothing existed.

They were now inside a lavish ballroom with all walks of powerful and famous people. Champagnes were flowing and everyone is in a very festive mood. The dim lights made the vastness of the room feel intimate. There were trees inside and masked men serving the canapés .

“It’s like those lavish masquerade balls in the old days” Henry whispers. LIKE but not quite as lavish. “aahhh. . . I remembered when you set the queen’s hair on fire on a party once” Ella remembered “you almost got your head cut off. Sadly she had hers cut off first” She sipped her champagne still smiling. “Oddly by another Henry” he rebutted.

As the night went on more flashes went off. Ella did small talks to a few people and Henry did his share of flirting. The Music was increasingly becoming faster and faster. Ella and Henry took a breather under a tree. “Look at her, Henry” she pointed at a redheaded actress stealing glimpses at Henry “She has been looking at you from the moment you stepped inside” giving a devilish smile. “Isn’t she married?” Henry noticed a short stumpy man with the redhead. He looked at Ella. She’s with an expression saying ‘SO?’ . Well then. “Since you’re feeling mischievous tonight, I will if you will” he dared. “Fine. No killing just fun” she looked around.

“Well well well. Look who’s here” Ella points at a dirty blonde guy with a coquettish look on her face “your man-crush” she continued. Henry started to laugh and shook her hand to close the deal. He slips a tiny vial to her hand. “Just in case” handling her verbena extract then stands up to the direction of the redhead. He’s gone.Ella works her way to the bar where the actor was drinking, ordered a drink besides him and takes off leaving her clutch. Three. Two. One.

“Pardon me, Miss”

She whips her hair. “You forgot your . . .ahh” his british Saccent trailed off. She gave a self-satisfying smirk.  “your. . .umm. . tiny bag or umm purse” He scratched his head and shifted his weight. “It’s there on the bar---uh---which I should’ve bought to you. No! not the bar but your little um” This is just precious. “my clutch?” she inserted through his mumbles. “Yes. Yes.” He took a deep breath “mind if I take you there?” he gained his composure. “Of course” Ella found this amusing. He gave him his arm and escorted her to the bar.

“Thank you for my clutch, I just spaced out because of the drinks. I’m surprised I’m still on my feet with these six-inches” She flashed a smile and heard his heart skip a beat. “Ella Matthews” She didn’t need to reach for his hands considering how closely they were standing.

“Who wouldn’t know you. Nicholas Grimms” his smile reached his blue eyes. “Listen, about earlier. I don’t usually mumble that much only on special circumstances” Nicholas felt embarrassed. There was something about her that oozes beauty and warmth. Her dark hair framing her face with green eyes so deep that made him wonder how old is her soul. “On my defense, I’m not an expert on ladies accessories. All the names for the same thing. A man just can’t keep up.” he finished. “We do have a knack in making things complicated.” Ella smiled. They were leaning on the bar now. The loud noise from the party still ongoing and the host still entertaining away. Ella found herself staring in Nicholas’ blue eyes and saw the same eyes from hundreds of years ago.

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