Chapter Seventeen

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17- Him


     I never wanted to lose my virginity this early in life, and not being not married either. Since I was a little girl I dream of having a beach wedding on a sunny day, have the prettiest dress ever created and have my honeymoon in my country because I was born in Greece but my parents left when I was 6 months old and we never returned. So, it's like I've never been there and I want to go there for my honeymoon.

     Now that I lost my virginity at 17, I'm not married, and with the man I like but we fight more than we like to admit, and he leaves a day after to be with a woman I know he was with once and she's with Mr. Wilkins. It makes me sick to even think about it.

     I know I shouldn't have given it to him because I knew he'll hurt me, that's all he does and I seriously don't know why I'm with him because he hasn't even said "I like you" and I'm waiting for those words to come out of his mouth but now it seems like I never will. I hope he enjoyed toying with me for a while because I won't and can't be with him anymore. I need to recover my long lost dignity.

     The day after, I received a text from Lucas. He asked me if we could meet for lunch and I told him that I'll meet him in the only place I know around here where we can eat, talk and enjoy ourselves. The same place where I first confronted Caden for being rude to me.

     Everything still hurts fom the night before but I didn't care, I needed to get out of here and get lost reading or talking about books. Which is why I agreed to meet Lucas because we still have to write that fan fiction book about Romeo and Juliet. Plus I needed to talk to someone and forget about him for a while because even with what he did to me, I can't seem to stop thinking about us being made in a pretzel as our bodies become one.

     He hurt me and I feel like I don't care because I... Oh Lord! I've fallen in love with him. What in God's name is wrong with me? I can't love him, we've known each other for a little more than 3 months or I don't know, I'm crazy if I love him so early in our relationship. Well, broken relationship.

     I got dressed, did my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my purse and left. I made a list of apartments close to campus because when the landlord found out I had money he wanted me to pay a little more money than I was already paying. He cannot do that and I can't sue him because thankfully I signed a contract so we have paperwork about what I agreed to pay but I really don't have the time. I decided that when I find another apartment, I'll pay that man the rest of the one year contract and move out. It's not like he doesn't have money but people who are like that are better when they're very far away from us.

     I found one that has 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms and a private garage, it's a little expensive but I'll look for a job if I have to because I want it. I want Peter and Justin to still have their privacy when they come stay with me and I want a guess room for Paige to sleep in when she comes stay too.

     I met with Lucas and thankfully only a few older people were there. No sign of Caden and his friends.

"So what are we going to do about this? I'll write a different one and when we finish it we'll combine our ideas and make a book?" Lucas asked while chewing his fries.

"Yeah, I like us to have different ideas and then unite them" I said after I swallowed a piece of my hamburger.

"That's cool, I actually know what I'll be writing" he said.

"So do I" I smiled knowing that this book will be a good one to read.

     We ate, we talked, we planned, we laughed and we ate some more, well drank. Right before Lucas paid for our food, Caden arrived and when he saw me with Lucas, his eyes turned murderous. He glared at Lucas and I glared at him. He doesn't get to get jealous after what he did to me.

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