Chapter Eleven - Planning To Protect. (Violet Choice) {Part 7}

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"So you do know her... we were wondering... who the hell is she?" Violet looked at the window before turning and looking at Clem, I stayed quiet so I could listen since I was confused as well.

"I wouldn't have recognized her if she hadn't recognized me first.. we were in a group together, a long time ago." Clem explained, I was a bit shocked that that woman and Clem were in a group before, especially since she didn't seem very friendly. Violet walked towards Marlon's chair and sat on it.

"I hope it was a different kind of group, that didn't fucking steal people." Violet hissed, Clem gave her a judgemental look.

"Come on, you know it was different." Clem told, Violet looked at me then back at Clem.

"Was (Y/N) in your it's group? I mean, you guys seem pretty close." Violet asked, I shook my head.

"No.. I only met Clem a few years ago, I never knew Lilly either so I'm just as confused." I replied, Clem nodded, and continued to explain.

"She murdered someone in our group. Gunned them down during an argument. Carley was her name, she refused to let Lilly push her around. It was right at the start, I hadn't seen Lilly since." Clem added, I wasn't surprised. Lilly did seem like the type of person to do something like that.

"I believe you." Violet spoke, Clem gave her a suspicious look.

"But..?" She asked quickly.

"There's something else, Willy said someone was with you at the gates?" Violet replied.

"James, he saved me, (Y/N), and Aj. Let us stay at his camp for the night." Clem answered, I nodded in agreement.

"Aj might not have made it if it wasn't for him." I added. Violet looked worried.

"But why did you bring him here? You led him right to us. I mean, he's a stranger. And running into those two in the woods, it proved we can't trust anybody." Violet stated. Clem crossed her arms and glared at her.

"What is this? After everything we did to get back, I don't appreciate being interrogated." Clem defended, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Come on Clem, don't be like that. She's just scared." I consoled. Clem sighed and shook her head, but she stayed quiet.

"We wouldn't have led James here if we thought he was a treat Violet, I mean he helped Aj when others would rather walk away." I reassured, Violet sighed and looked at me then at Clem again.

"Willy said he was wearing.. animal skins, or something.." Violet added.

"He was wearing walker skin. That's how he gets past herds, he can guide them too." Clem stated, I nodded. Violet just looked it us like we were crazy. She awkwardly scratched her neck.

"Uh, Wow. Okay.." She spoke awkwardly, Clem rolled her eyes.

"He helped us, people don't usually do that. I know we can trust him." I added, Violet signed.

"It's not that I don't trust you two, I'm just worried about the others and what they might do." Violet confessed, I looked down at the ground. How would we convince them?

"They didn't even get a chance to mourn Brody and Marlon. before these child snatching assholes showed up... And then you come back, after we thought you were dead. Now they're confused, and nobody knows how to feel about Aj." Violet addressed Clem glared at her and put her hands on the desk.

"Violet, Aj is the least of their worries." Clem defended.

"I know, everything's such a mess. They're scared and angry, and they're looking for someone to blame... I mean they kicked you guys out, how am I supposed to make them change their minds about you?" Violet replied, she really didn't know what to do. Clem looked like she was thinking.

"It was decided, five to three against.. I know I feel like it shouldn't matter, but they were afraid of you.. all of you." Violet muttered, I placed my hands next to Clem's

"Then we will convince them. I know it's gonna be hard, but it just feels right." I announced, Clem nodded in agreement. It was quiet for a bit. Clem looked out the window.

"James told us what Lilly and Abel will do next. He said they'll get more people and guns, and come attack us. Take everyone here." Clem explained, Violet looked shocked.

"How the hell would he know?" Violet replied, perplexed.

"He's watched them for a while." Clem answered.

"They're at war right now.. with another community, they forcefully take people in to fight for them, if we get taken we would be forced to fight for them." I explained, Violet frowned.

"Is that what happened to Minnie and Sophie..? They turned them into soldiers..?" Violet frowned, Clem nodded.

"Yeah, and it will happen to us, if we don't stop them." Clem added, I nodded. Violet looked down, she frowned.

"Minnie didn't even like killing walkers.." she muttered, I looked at Clem.

"So what can we do..?" I asked her, she turned and looked out the window, her hand on her chin in thought.

"This place, its a fortress... with a little work, we could make this place really hard to attack." Clem turned to Violet and Violet looked at her, her face was focused but unconvinced.

"Do you actually know how to do that?" She asked her. Clem nodded.

"Yeah.. I was part of a siege once, in a town called Richmond." Clem pulled out the old Ericson map and rolled it open on the table.

"I'll show you." She added, I walked up next to her and looked at the map. She pointed to that part that labeled 'courtyard'

"The courtyard is open, not a lot of cover. We should flip the picnic tables and narrow the pathways through it." Clem explained, I nodded.

"So it will be easier for us to see which way their coming from... so if they come inside that's another option for us.. clever." I smiled at Clem and she nodded. I looked back down at he map and pointed to the admin building.

"We should trap this area and make our stand here... if you think about it, there's only one way in which is the front, then we have the staircase. If we put traps in the big open area they will have to walk through to come to get us." I added. Clem nodded.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Clem agreed. She pointed at the walls around the school.

"We've got good strong walls, we need to make them hard to climb over, so the raiders have to come in through the gates." Clem told, Violet looked at the map.

"We used to keep barbed wire in the greenhouse." She replied. I nodded in agreement.

"That will work perfectly." I smiled. Clem pointed to the greenhouse on the map.

"Well, you guys don't use the greenhouse anymore do you?" Clem asked. Violet shook her head.

"No, we used to.. then we lost someone out there. Walkers overran the place and Marlon wouldn't let us go back.. safezone." She spoke in annoyance. I shook my head in disgust.

"We need to get that barbed wire so they can't climb the walls.." Clem spoke, I looked down and put a hand on my chest.

"I can go. Clem can stay and help out here." I smiled at her. Violet looked at me in worry.

"Are you sure? It's gonna be swarming with walkers by now.." Violet warned, Clem looked at me.

"(Y/N), I can come with you-"

"Okay what the hells going on!?" A voice called out, cutting Clem off. The doors swung open and I turned and looked at who it was, I frowned. It was Mitch.

Hey everyone! So the chapter is finally out! I know this isn't a brand new one exactly but the new one will be posted next week! Love y'all!

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