Eyes Closed

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You panicked, feeling the changes overwhelm your body. You looked at a tall, multi-armed person, you couldn't tell if they were male or female. You felt your body turn more muscular and your chest flatten. You became taller as well and your hair shot back into your head. You knew what was happening and quickly turned away to stop any other... Changes.

You look instead at a grey skinned female with an X over her left eye. You felt yourself shrink back to a more preferred height and your hair lengthened again, turning blonde but remaining with the [F/C] tips. And your eyes remain the same color, your chest growing slightly back to a more preferable size. Your horns and tail slip back into your body.

You quickly turned to a blonde demoness, and your body remained mostly the same, your hair returning to white. Your chest pretty much remains the same size and you're about to start crying. You hate this, though the two demon women looked at each other and blushed slightly.

You almost panic as you feel hands cover your eyes. They were pitch black and didn't seem to hold any kindness in their touch. They felt like ice to you, but you felt some warmth. Not much, but a little. You heard his voice quiet, so quiet, speaking to you and you alone.

"Just close your eyes darling. If you can't see it, you won't change. Just keep your eyes closed."

And then his voice sounded out, louder and more powerful, for everyone to hear.

"Well! What an astounding performance young [Y/N], a lovely showing of your abilities. As you can see, this young woman is a Succubus! She came here looking for a place to stay, isn't that right [Y/N]?"

You cleared your throat, sudden shyness filling you even though you can't see them, the Radio Demon's hands still covering your eyes. You felt your body slowly shift back to its original form.

"U-um... Well, yes... I'm new I guess, I don't really know what to do, or how to do it... And I have these weird abilities and-"

You were interrupted by a sing songy and sweet voice cutting you off.

"Oh no! That's horrible, of course you can stay here, don't worry. We'll get you to Heaven! Or at least to keep you in a safe space... Being a Succubus and not being able to control your powers in this place is really dangerous."

You felt the Radio Demon remove his hands and you quickly shut your eyes, not wanting anymore changes.

"Now then! The person who just spoke is Charlie, the creator of this... Fine establishment! And I, I am Alastor darling!"

You nodded, finally happy to know his name, hoping that would make you fear him less and maybe have him as an ally. This Charlie girl seemed to be openhearted and caring. How in the Hell could she have ended up here...?

Then again, how did you even end up here...?

You were shaken from your thoughts by another voice speaking. It was obviously female, but rough and sharp, like a well used dagger.

"Yeah well... I'm Vaggie, and I don't think this is a great idea. She's new to Hell, she doesn't know what the Hell is going on, and she can't control her powers! We don't know anything about her, how can we trust her here?"

You could already tell that this Vaggie girl was going to be harder to get on the good side. You were already forming your usual plan of action; Panic. But then you realized you were talking, you hadn't even felt anything or made the conscious decision to speak. You felt a certain strength in your words.

"...I got here, and I don't want to be the straw to poke the camel's back. If I cause any trouble, I'll leave."

You listened to your own words, not really understanding their meaning but feeling the change in the air that they had left. You heard Vaggie give a sigh and heard a shuff that meant she had sat down. It took a few moments, but eventually you heard a resigned sigh.

"One problem, one singl-"

"YAY!" That was the peppy one, Charlie. "You are going to LOVE it here [Y/N]!" You felt arms wrap around you and stood stock still. You didn't move, didn't open your eyes, didn't even breathe until she had let go.

"Now! We'll need someone to show you around, and tell you how things are run, and help teach you how to control your po-"

"I'll do it my dear."

You froze, the radio like voice making your blood turn to ice. You didn't even know why he still frightened you, why he still made you scared, you just knew he was dangerous. You knew you had to watch your step. You again heard your voice talking without your full permission. It was small compared to how it spoke last time. Pitiful.

"Y-you really don't have to Alastor, I can-"

"Nonsense darling! You'd bump into walls not being able to open your eyes around anyone but I of course."


You couldn't see it, but you could almost feel the fact he was enjoying your confusion. You could almost see the grin already.

"Yes my dear, I am immune to your powers. And I will be the one showing you how things work in Hell."

See My Heart, Not My Body {Alastor x Female Reader}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora