3- "The sitting Game"

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*Third person's pnt of view*

"Good morning Princess, I pray that your night was well spent and that you're well rested." Greeted Demitrey, as he and his Luna joined Melanie and their pack members for breakfast.
"Yes, it was the best rest I've had in days. Thank you." Replied Melanie.
"And you must be Aaron." Said Demitrey as he turned to address the tall man with pale skin, and hair that was pulled in a bun.
"Yes Alpha, I cannot thank you enough for your hospitality." Replied Aaron with a slight bow of his head.
"Of course. Kade any news?" Asked Demitrey.
"Not yet, the scouts I sent have yet to send word back." Replied Kade.
"Okay, that's fine. Let's eat." Cleared Demitrey as everyone began to eat, trying their best to not gawk at their guests that happily drank the red content from their cups.

After breakfast, the meeting moved to Demitrey's office.

"So what now?" Asked James.
"Nothing." Replied Demitrey with a shrug.
"Nothing?" Asked Kade.
"I mean what can we do? From Melanie's story, we can tell as much that David and Vladimir are teamed up. But we don't know where they are hiding out, nor do we know what they are actually planning. So for now we play the waiting game." Explained Demitrey.
"But alpha, what about the members of my clan? Surely we can't leave them to die." Pleaded Melanie.
"They're not going to die." Spoke Adelina.
"How are you so sure?" Asked Aaron.
"Because my father needs the extra hands. My old pack was never large in number, that's why the treaty between Demitrey's and my father's pack was signed in the first place. So he will enslave most of the men in your clan, the women and children will also have a role to play. I know how my father thinks. He might try to use the women and children as bait." Explained Adelina.

Melanie frowned, as she thought over the Luna's words. It wasn't that she didn't trust them, but the fact that they were just sitting around doing nothing did not sound like the best plan. But then again, she figured since she was already finding refuge in their care and home, her best bet was to agree with their terms.

So with an understanding nod, she responded "I see, so we play the waiting game then?"
"Yes," confirmed Demitrey, "meanwhile, Aaron I need you to speak with Kade, whatever secret weapon you think Vladimir could help David create to use against our pack, we have to know about it. James, you already know, get the warriors ready, and ensure safety, increase the patrol outside the border, and double the guards at the border of the pack grounds. We can't afford any infiltrates. Also ensure that no one crosses into the pack grounds without being identified. Anila start having the kitchens prepare in case the war reaches our doorstep. And even then, prepare meals that will last out in the field in case the war remains outside our walls. Cilia work on a list of materials we are going to need, blankets, water, anything. Babe, get the clinic staff ready. Pair up with Cilia and anything, I mean anything you would think that we may need add it to the list. Aunty D, work out a system to ensure the safety of the children and elderly, and pregnant women. Any rooms in the castle that can be used as a refuge, use it to your advantage, and when you have a chance sit down with Kade to review the evacuation routes to the caves in case the grounds and castle is no longer safe. By lunchtime I'll be checking on everyone to see the progress. Understood?" Cleared Demitrey.
"Yes alpha." Replied the council in unison.
"Wait, what about me? I want to help too." Replied Melanie.
"There's no need princess, I believe it's best if you rest and prepare." Suggested Demitrey.
"No, I'm already anxious as it is, sitting around won't help you accomplish anything. I'll feel better knowing that I contributed on my part, as the leader of my clan. Please do not deny me this wish." Pleaded Melanie as she looked between the Alpha and Luna.
"You can join me and Cilia." Invited Adelina, and Melanie smiled in thanks.

"Okay, though this is the sitting game, we have to hustle, at any given moment, we could have a full on war. Girls, once you are done with your tasks, round up volunteers, any able bodied civilians that can learn quickly, and follow basic instructions need to be enlisted, whether they are to be on kitchen duty, or they can help with wound care, whatever they can do. This is not just a pack vs pack wolf war, people, there are vampires in play, a treaty at stake, and innocent lives on both side of the track." with those words, Demitrey dismissed everyone, and they all got to work.

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