Chapter 19~Goodbye

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I woke up and loudly yawned, and to my surprise I saw Sebastian laying right next to me. "Good morning my beautiful rose." "Good morning Sebastian". He gave me a cute wink. "So what are planning for today, Ms. party goddess", he asked. I  simply shrugged, "probably we could ask Racheal". I sighed,"Sebastian, I have a feeling this is the day we have to leave". His cheerful expression went a little south. He kissed my cheek, "If it is the time, I want you to remember", he held up my hand with my marrying ring, "No matter how far apart we will be, I will always love you, and only you, our love will binds us, even though it may be worlds apart".  I crashed my lips into his,"I know Sebastian, I'll always be your and you will always be mine". He lightly chuckled, "your breath isn't so pleasant", he stated. I punched him in his arm.

After I took a bath , I changed onto my 21st century clothes while Sebastian changed into his regular attire. I glanced at his attire then mine several times. "Honey, you need , to wear something else than that for this one day". He gave me a questioning glance. I got my school bag,"Bag ,give me the best men outfit from the best 21st century stores you have". Millions of outfit (folded) popped out of the bag that were Sebastian's size . Basically I dressed him like how he was in that OVA, The Making of Black Butler II, the stripped shirt , the black jacket. It looked so much hotter in person. I fixed up his hair a bit, "perfect". He looked in the mirror, striking a pose, "Not so bad, my rose, but the atire does feel a bit lighter, but still different. 

I stepped into Ciel's office with my matching husband."Sebastian , what in bloody hell's name are you wearing?!?". "Sorry young  mas-". "I think he deserves a day without that stupid attire since it may be Racheal's and my last day here.", I say cutting off Sebastian. He calmed down, a bit, "so it be, but this may be the only time Sebastian may be out of uniform for some meaningless reason. Racheal walked in, she stood in front of Sebastian and glanced up and down at him, " got it from the Ova?", she directed at me. "Exactly", I replied. "I dont think I could get that stubborn one", she pointed at Ciel," to put on any outfit. 

"So what are we doing today?"

"I have no idea", replied Racheal. We could invite the shinigamis, but yeah,the hatred.

We thought for several minutes, nothing came to mind.

We somehow all decided to go outside, into the backyard. Suddenly a glipse of red flashed before me eyes. "SEBAS-CHAN OH I MISSED YOU, MY BELOVED. Sebastian moved aside, and grell fell face first into the ground. "Im engaged, Grell."  Grell shot up from the floor, "WHICH UGLY B*TCH FORCED YOU TO MARRY THEM". I raised my hand high and proud, he  reeved his chainsaw. "Calm down , you two", Ciel casually said. "No, thank you , I've got this", I replied. Everyone backed away, Grell came at me, I dodged his first slash.

"Sebas-chan is mine", he screamed.

"Dream on lover boy",I joked.

He seemed even angrier, I turned into my half form. I heard a little awe form the audience, must be Sebastian. I jumped over Grell and kicked him behind his back.He lost his balance and fell but quickly got up. "Sofia , head up", Sebastian threw several eating utensils at me. I grabbed them, "Thanks honey". I threw some at Grell, a knife slashed the side of his face, blood dripped from the cut. Grell came at me no mercy, swinging his scythe at me several times, I felt a sharp pain in my arm, he had got ,me but barely, nothing but a scratch. I poked Grell in certain pressure points, he stood still, then fell. "Paralyzed", I said. He started cursing me out, everyone clapped. "Thank you, thank you", I bowed. I unparalleled Grell, he wanted to see my guts splatter i knew it but , Sebastian had him in check. "My wife has skills", Sebastian said. "Better not mess with me then", I joked. 

Sebastian looked towards the trees so did I. It was Will, I shouted Racheal's name and told her to look in the same direction. Her jaw hit the floor, it was THE WILL T. SPEARS. " I'm very sorry, that this, vermin here has intruded , he bowed before he pushed up his glasses and stared at Sebastian. He picked up Grell and threw him over his shoulders. " Grell, your going to cause me to work overtime again, and we are late for the meeting. He looked back and left. " Well we didnt even have time to even fangirl over him ", Racheal whined.

 Everyone came down including Tanaka, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy.We sat down on a sheet and ate the delicious meals Sebastian had prepared. It was a sunny day everyone was enjoying their selves we played several rounds of truth or dare, we even took pictures with Racheal's and my phone  tag, hide and seek, and the lets TRY( and totally fail) to catch Sebastian game."I'll catch you , dammit". "My, my i think you're getting ahead of yourself", he ran faster than ever.  I took out a ribbon out of my pocket and threw it it wrapped around his leg while he was jumping. He tugged on it and I was pulled in, we got tangled up in th long ribbon. He kissed me, I blushed and flicked his forehead. After Tanaka untangled us we sat down and took a breather.

~Time Skip~

Everyone was sitting around talking, it was one of th best days ever. Suddenly the air became a bit chill for a second and a great flash of light appeared. It seemed to be  concentrating on one place, after another great flash of light, a portal appeared. In the portal you could see a back alley with cars passing it. Racheal and I stood still, I held my breath, the air was filled of tension that finally broke. " Oy  what in bloody hell's name is that"questioned Baldroy "Its out way home", Racheal mumbled under her breath. 

Sebastian had all things, out bags, our clothes, out everything.  We both stood next to the portal, ready to say out goodbye. Ciel was by Racheal hugging her , and he kissed her cheek. Sebastian walked up to me, "My,my it seems its time already". He brushed a strand of my hair to the side and inched towards my face. I roughly kissed him, and tried to hold back the tears. "I want to give you this", I digged in my bag and took out a silver bracelet, it shined with beauty ."This is my favorite bracelet my mom gave it to me, before she passed away. I gave it to him in his hand and held his hand into a fist. Racheal was ready, I turned back and looked at everyone, there were like my family here. I gave a sad smile. "BYE EVERYONE WE LOVE YOU WE WILL MISS YOU", I shouted. They all waved , everyone was crying besides Sebastian, even Ciel, I saw a few tears fall from his eyes. I took Racheal's hand and we stepped through the  portal.  Everything was concrete and the air smelled a little different, cars raced by and people walked by, not wearing huge dresses, or suits, not even a newsboy shouting to selling his papers. Just the boring old place where horns of cars always broke the silence. Racheal and I looked at each other before falling down wailing, loud as ever. Our nose were dripping and out faces were red, tears were poring out our eyes, but it didn't matter. "I miss them already", I said between my crying. "But why be so sad, if you got us here", the voice, Sebastian. Racheal and I silently turned around.  Two pairs of crimson red eyes.


Last chap my friends T^T

But there is a sequel soon to come . Comment. Vote like. Im still in tears from the ending

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