Chapter 14~Fighting for Something That's Worth it....

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Racheals POV

         I slowly got up from the bed, and loudly yawned. Feeling something hard under my pillow. I reached for it  from under my pillow, it was my phone. I gently placed it on the table next to the bed. I go off the the bed and  went to take a bath.

        After the bath I slipped on my 21st. Century undergarments and put on the rest of my  of my maid attire before heading to Ciel's office. I  bowed,"Good morning, young master". He walked up to me, I slightly blushed. "Good mo-", h e suddenly tripped and fell on me, his face unusually close to mines. With a creak the door opened, it was Lady Elizabeth. After several seconds that seemed to be hours,  one by one, tears let her eyes. She ran down the hallway, crying her eyes out. Ciel got off me and deeply sighed. I ran downstairs to see Elizabeth with a sword, her face showing pain, rage and betrayal. "RACHEAL ,I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL, FOR CIEL."  I turn back to see everyone,Sofia, Sebastian,Ciel,Finny,Mey-Rin,Tanaka, and Baldroy. "Elizabeth, stop this non-", Ciel was cut off by Sebastian giving him a reassuring look and his hand on his shoulder. I took a sword from the decor on the wall. I was nervous, the sword became slippery in my hands. I did not know any swordsmanship, all i saw was people fighting with swords in movies. 

        On the count of three, Elizabeth dashed at me and clashed her sword into mines. The sword became too slippery in my hand and fell with a clash. Elizabeth again dashed at me and tried to stab me, but iI i dodged it with my arm and pushed it aside as i learned in martial arts class. I took a deep breath , and closed my eyes. I ignored everything around me, I listened to the sound of Elizabeth's attacks and footing, all filled with rage and in-coordination. I swiftly kicked the blade of her sword, she fell back . Her hair became fee from her ponytails and her and her dress was ripped. She got up and  came at me again, I dodged her attack and tightly grasped her hand, she dropped the sword in pain and fell to her knees. I kicked the sword to the other end of the room and let go of her hand. After several minutes of our heavy breathing, their was applause. I smiled in victory. I put my hand out for Elizabeth, I gave her a honest sweet smile. She took my hand and I helped her up. She started crying again. "Why did you want us to spar", I kindly asked. "I saw you and Ciel kidding in his office and he was on top of you." I became confused for a moment before i realized what she meant. " You're mistaken , Lizzy, Ciel simply fell on me when he tripped". She turned a bit red, "Sorry, Racheal". I nodded in forgiveness. "It's okay don't worry about it ", I reassured. She smiled back at me. I guess everything is better, I say to myself. Sebastian then shooed everyone away except for  Sofia, Elizabeth, Ciel and I, but of course Ciel went up to his office on his own will.Sebastian then took Elizabeth upstairs probably to change her torn -up attire. I looked at my maid's outfit, it too seemed I had to change my attire.

        After a relaxing but quick bath, I changed into my spare maid's outfit and went downstairs it should be breakfast now. I entered the kitchen to see everyone ( servants,maids,butlers) happily eating in the kitchen. Baldroy and Mey-Rin came up to me and gave me a hot plate of food, and  a warm comment about my fighting. I thanked them both and started eating my breakfast but also joining their pleasant conversation.

                                                                         *        ~        *           ~         *

        After eating my breakfast, Sebastian came into the kitchen. "It seems Lady Elizabeth request your presence". I bowed and went upstairs to her room. I lightly knocked the door and heard a cheerful voice say"Come in". I entered not knowing what to expect from Lizzy. She came up to me, with her hands behind her back. "Surprise", she yelled, she put in front of me a yellow and white polka dot sun dress. I gladly took it from her. 

"I've got a great idea", exclaimed Elizabeth

"What is it?"

"Let's go shopping"

        After as lot of thank you I went back into my room, and changed into the same yellow dress and sunglasses also some high brown boots. I went downstairs to see everyone, pleasantly chatting. Sofia was dressed in a black and white stripped dress and a black belt in the middle, she also had her side bag and her earbuds hidden.everyone else was dressed normally "Finny, Baldroy, and Tanaka I want you to stay her and watch the house", Sebastian ordered  They waved at us as we went into the awaiting carriage.

        Mey-Rin drove uit while, Sebastian,Sofia,Ceil, Elizabeth and I were riding inside."Why did you drag me along with you", asked Ciel,followed with a light sigh. "I want to find the perfectly cute outfit for you to wear", Elizabeth replied with a giggle.

~Time Skip~

as we arrived at out destination we all came out of the carriage. I spotted a dress store, a glass shop,  a store named'Undertaker' and some other shops. wait one minute, the Undertaker , I fangirlingly screamed in my mind. I walk next to Sofia and whispered ,"let's visit him". she nodded and we both had a  evil Smyrna on our face.  We walked into the dress store with everyone else.  We looked looked at several dresses and also suits for Ciel. When everyone was distracted with Elizabeth we slowly backed up. We both felt us bump into something, looking back we saw Sebastian with a smile plastered on his face.

"May I ask where you ladies are going"

"Can we please say Undertaker", I begged.


"Please" asked Sofia, her cat ears pooped out making the cutest face ever.

He deeply sighed before saying yes.Sebastian then escorted us to Undertaker leaving Mey -Rin to watch Ciel and Lizzy.

Sofia lightly knocked on Undertaker's done . It opened with a loud creek



:'( sry late update  but ill try to make it sooner ty all for reading and I'm sure ill continue this book for some time. But is this book this awesome? :-D :-)

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