Special 11/Supernatural

Start from the beginning

"Yes," she replied curtly.

"Where? Which home?"

"XXX Crescent Woods."

(Y/n) heard him inhale and exhale sharply for the second time and she wondered if she really had messed up. She could hear distant voices on Arthur's side.

"Arthur?" she asked softly after a few seconds had passed.

"Yes, love?" he answered.

"Did I do something wrong?" she murmured like a dejected puppy.

Arthur was quick to comfort her that she wasn't doing anything wrong. He was just surprised she had moved into the same area as he resided in.

"Would you like to come around the town?" he offered.

(Y/n) hummed, "I have time now. Can I come to your store thing?"

"Now?" Arthur shuffled away from the phone to check something before coming back, "If you would like to."

"Great, where is it?"

Arthur gave her the address before he hung up. (Y/n) slipped off her bed and grabbed a bag before heading downstairs. She took her jacket, her bag and the keys before going out the door. She locked the door and began her quiet trek down the stone path once again. There was the quiet humming of the various animals in the forest as she walked.

As she reached the entrance of the town, she couldn't help the feeling that someone was watching her. She turned around for a brief moment and shivered. The cool autumn breeze swayed and (Y/n) turned back to go into the town.

(She could have sworn she saw a pair of red eyes.)

She walked through the town, aware of the curious gazes of the townspeople and the odd air brimming with unreleased energy. She was all the more aware of how much she felt like a foreigner with her eyes darting around, taking in information, with how the people looked at her, with how she was unaware of how to get to her destination. It felt... unnerving.

Regardless, soon enough, she had reached the front entrance to Arthur's store.

The front itself looked posh and clean if not a little ominous. The curtains were drawn over the windows and the entire store was painted black and white. There was a wooden sign hanging on the door and indicated that it was open. (Y/n) wasn't sure why, but it was just the type of shop she had expected Arthur to have.

In the many years that they have communicated, not once have either of them talked about Arthur's shop. He may have mentioned it once or twice but never explained it much at all. So, the (h/c)-haired girl sighed and pushed the door inward. A soft jingling of bells alerted her entry.

Inside the store was dark. There were candles and dim lights illuminating the interior and no sunlight was seen except for when (Y/n) had opened the door to come in. There were shelves all around her with various items on it, each seemed to be categorized by type. (Y/n) didn't wait long to stare and instead travelled to the front where the cash register presumably was.

She walked quietly, her footsteps not making a sound on the wooden floor as though she were gliding over it rather than actually walking. At the front, a man was sitting on a chair, reading a book behind the counter. He had honey-blond hair and green eyes.

"Arthur," (Y/n) said quietly, "Hello."

He looked up and for a split second, he looked as though he didn't recognize her. Then, recognition flashed through his eyes and he stood up so quickly (Y/n) though he was going to trip. He set the book down and speed-walked from behind the counter and placed his hands on her shoulders.

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