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Kageyama was warm and he didn't want to wake up just yet. He realized he was hugging something. Something warm.

He opened his eyes, slowly. He was met with fluffy orange hair. The small form of Hinata was snuggled up against him, their legs tangled, and Hinata's face was buried in his chest.

Kageyama blushed, unsure of what to do. Did he move or stay there?

Hinata stirred, so Kageyama took the chance to untangle himself from the boy.

Hinata yawned, making Kageyama think of a cat. He went to the washer, remembering he'd washed Hinata's out fit from the day before.

Hinata was sitting up when he returned. "I put your clothes in the dryer. They'll be dry by the time we finish eating. There's a spare toothbrush under the sink if you want. I'll be downstairs in the kitchen when your done."

He hurried downstairs, his face still slightly pink.

Kageyama started making a traditional Japanese breakfast for the both of them. Hinata joined him in the kitchen soon after.

Hinata watched as Kageyama cooked. Kageyama could feel his friend watching him, and blushed a little.

When he was finished, he put the food on plates in a neat arrangement.

"It looks so yummy!" Hinata grinned at Kageyama.

"Itadakimasu!" They said in unison, before digging into the yummy food.

When they were both done, Kageyama took the plates to the sink, before fetching Hinata's now-dry clothes.

They both changed.

Hinata- into his green sweater and jeans from the day before, and

Kageyama- into a solid black hoodie and black skinny jeans.

Hinata wanted to walk around and look in stores for cool things- secretly, he wanted to figure out something that Kageyama wanted because his birthday was in a week.

Kageyama agreed, not really knowing if it was something normal friends did. Hinata looked excited about it though, and he thought it was cute, so he agreed without any complaint.

They walked the short distance to the mall, Hinata leading the way.

"Kageyama, why don't we go to a store you like and look around first. I mean, I did drag you down here after all!" Hinata grinned up at him, and he couldn't resist, so he led the way to one of his favorite stores.

Hot Topic

(Sorry, that's the only store I rly know of when it comes to the mall- it is the only place I wander around when we get to go)

The store was a pretty decent size, because it was a fairly large mall. Kageyama seemed most fasinated with the band merchandise as well, as just the clothes in general.

At one point, he was going to buy a certain shirt, but realized he forgot his wallet.

"Alright. Let's go to a store you like now. That's the only store I shop at most of the time.." Kageyama sheepishly/awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yay! Let's go to Clair's! They have cute stuff there, and there's something I want to try.." Hinata's voice faded out at the end, and he bounced off, before Kageyama had a chance to object, even if he wanted to.

The store was much too girly for Kageyama's taste, bit Hinata had fun playing with the cat eared head-bands.

He even made Kageyama wear a pair. They were black, with blue studs. Hinata thought it looked good on him, but Kageyama disagreed- it just wasn't his style.

After a while of wandering, they found themselves near the food court.

"Kageyama?" Hinata rubbed on his sleeve to get his attention.

"Yes, Hinata?"

"Can we eat?"

Kageyama hesitated, he didn't have his wallet, and didn't want to make Hinata pay.

"Please Kags? I'm hungry, and I have my wallet with me." Hinata made a cute face, and Kageyama caved.

"Fine, but only if you let me pay you back."

Hinata jumped up in excitement. "Follow me! I know where to get the best food!" He grabbed Kageyama's arm and dragged him In the direction of a small cafe-like store.

They took a seat in a booth near the window.

Soon after, a waitress in a maid outfit, came to take there orders.

"I'll take a tripple stack traditional America pancake plate, with bacon and eggs, as well as a cup of milk." Hinata ordered with such confidence, it was obvious he'd been there many times before.

"I'll just take the same as him." Kageyama was less sure of himself, as a) he'd never been to the place before and b) he didn't want to look at the menu, take forever, and embarrass himself- when he could just order what his Hinata did.

Fuck. I just called him mine. Don't get ahead of yourself, Kageyama.

He tried to stay calm and collected throughout the lunch, though it was hard to, when Hinata rambled on and on about one thing or another, just being his cute ass self.

Why the fuck was Hinata just so damn cute! He was gonna give Kags a heart attack if he kept it up.

They walked around a little longer before Hinata decided it was probably late enough to pick up his sister and head back home. They parted ways, after Kags promised to bring the money with him to school the next day.

He was startled when Hinata pulled him into a hug. Again.

He blushed a deep red this time, since he now realised his feeling's for the smaller boy.

"Kageyama, are you all right? You look a little red." Hinata seemed concerned, only making Kageyama blush more.

"Ah, it's just the cool air getting to me.." he tried to pass it off, even though it wasn't that cold yet.

Hinata didn't seem convinced, but waved goodbye once again as he walked away.

Kageyama turned around, heading back home, with a smile on his face.
Ahhh, finally! An update!

Sorry it took so long, exams are a pain in the ass, plus I had a small case of writers block...

Anyway hope you enjoyed it :)

Stay merry 🎄 and happy holidays


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