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*I changed it*
*Chapter 6 there is NO fujiyoshi or anything sry I tried it and it didn't work out so I had to rewrite two chapters and take it out..sorry.
_its Friday now
"Hinata, can I ask you something?" Kageyama turned to the boy. It was lunch break, and they'd both already finished eating. "Ask away, Kags"

Kageyama hesitated. "What's it like to have a crush?" Hinata thought for a moment.

"I guess it kinda depends. Like, I've heard some people say it's just the guy who is the best looking. For me though, it's that one guy who makes you think. Who causes you to feel nervous or happy or... different. The feeling could be butterflies in the stomach, light headedness, or just an extra fast heartbeat."

Kageyama was confused. "So, like you're sick?"

Hinata shrugged, "well, yeah I guess, but it's a good sorta feeling at the same time, like you don't want it to ever go away."

"Oh." Kageyama seemed deep in thought when the bell rang, causing him to jump. Hinata giggled, making Kags face redden in embarrassment.
They hurried to class.
Saturday *Hinata just arrived at Kags place*
"Woah! Your house is huge!" Hinata gaped at the large room, decorated with expensive drapes and furniture. Kageyama chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "I guess it is pretty big." He headed upstairs, Hinata following.

"This is my room." There was a large...queen? size bed in the middle of the room. It was decorated with dark blue sheets, and some blankets. On the right side, a couple feet away, was a desk where Kags did his homework. Across from the bed, on the wall was a large flat screen TV. To the left of the bed, was a bathroom/ walk in closet door.

(They were connected by another set of doors)

Kageyama flopped on his bed, grabbed the remote. "What kinda movie do you like?"

Hinata shrugged. "I don't really know I guess comedy or action maybe.."
Kags handed Hinata the remote and showed him how to pick a movie, while he went and got snacks.

The movie was pretty short, but Kageyama was kind bored. Hinata looked bored as well. This time Kageyama picked the movie. He really wanted to watch a horror movie, but knew Hinata didn't do to well the last time, so instead he picked an action movie.

This movie was much longer, bit definitely more interesting. They ended up watching the second and third movies too.

Around 7, Kageyama went to get some more filling snacks (aka hot pockets) he realised it was getting pretty late, so he asked how much longer Hinata could stay.

"Mom's away for the weekend and Nat's at a friend's house, so I can stay as long as I want." He grinned.

Kageyama cheered internally, only cuz he didn't want to seem weird. It was Hinata's turn to pick the movie

He strayed over to the scarier movies, Kageyama warned him, but Hinata was determined to watch one. His friend made sure he didn't pick a too scary one.

Kageyama thought Hinata was being dumb, but he let him pick the movie anyway. Hinata was easily scared, though not as bad as the one at the theater. He was basically on top of Kageyama by the end of the movie.

Kageyama felt kinda awkward but at the same time he enjoyed it. Hinata was burying his head in Kageyama's chest, clutching his shirt. Kageyama tried to pry the smaller off of him. "It's over, Hinata you can look now."

He quickly searched for a friendly movie...maybe Disney...Frozen should do the trick..

Hinata didn't want to let go of Kageyama, but reluctantly, he let go of him, and rolled to where he could sit up.

Kageyama realized something. "It's like ten, you wanna just stay the night? This is fun, we can watch movies all night of you want."

Hinata grinned up at him. "Really!?!"

"If you want."

"Yay! I wanna stay! Let's binge movies all night!"

Kageyama turned back to the movie. "Wait, you don't have anything else to wear, do you?"

"No...Do you have anything small enough to fit me?"


Kageyama left Hinata on the bed, and went to his closet. He found a pair of shorts that looked like they'd fit, and a long T-shirt. "Here. Go Change in case you fall asleep." He paused the movie for Hinata, as he changed.

Hinata came out in Kageyama's clothes, the shirt falling just below his knees, the shorts came just below mid thigh.

Kageyama hid his blush in the pillow, as Hinata climbed back on the bed and played the movie.

What is this feeling? He makes my heart beat so fast, and ugh! He's just so damn cute in my clothes...I think I might have a crush on my best friend. Damn, what does this mean? Do I say something? Do I express how I feel? Agh!

Kageyama was confused and wasn't sure what to do, so for the time being, he didn't say anything.

Hinata snuggled closer and closer to Kageyama throughout the movie. Kageyama wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not, but to be honest, he didn't really care. He liked it.

By the end of the movie, Hinata was dozing off. Kageyama played another movie, just in case Hinata woke up.

Kageyama fell asleep soon after.

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