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"Kageyama!" Hinata greeted him with a hug. Once again he froze up, but tried to hug back anyway. It was definitely awkward for Kageyama, yet he kinda liked it too. He didn't know how to explain it, just that he got a fuzzy feeling in his chest.

He wasn't sure if it was a good feeling or not yet.

Kageyama was let go of, and he headed to his seat. "I had fun, on Saturday, Kageyama. We should do it again sometime."

The ravenete hummed in agreement. "You could come to my house if you want...?"

Hinata's grin got even wider than it already was, if possible. "Really? That would be cool!"

Kageyama's classmates were surprised at the closeness the two boys had, and were less afraid of him. They realised Kageyama wasn't so bad, and sometimes greeted him.

Only sometimes though. Even so, Kageyama felt a little less lonely. A little less hurt.

Kageyama thought of his orange haired friend often. During the times they were away, anyways.
Especially at home, where it was quiet and empty. These were the times he missed Hinata's endless chatter and friendly smiles the most.

Wherever Hinata was, Kageyama was sure to be there. They were inseparable. Kageyama started to talk more, and sometimes even smiled. Thanks to Hinata, he was learning to communicate with people.

Kageyama felt happier with Hinata around. When Hinata smiled, it made him want to smile. He didn't know if this was normal or not. I mean, he's never had a friend till now.

Kageyama overheard a conversation between some girls, on the way to lunch that week.

"Hinata's soooo cute. I just wanna hug him! I think I have a crush on him." One said.

"Yeah he's cute, but did you see Kageyama? He just makes me feel all funny inside. I just wish he wasn't so scary.." another said.

"I have a crush on ****. I mean, have you seen that gorgeous face! He so frikkin hot!!! I just fangurl over him but one time, I talked to him. He called me cute and I almost screamed." The third said.

"Too bad ***** 's not in our class." The second girl said

"Yeah but we have the adorable Hinata and the mysterious Kageyama! That's almost better." The first one said.

Kageyama had felt kinda cool realising that girls actually liked him, but for some reason hearing the one girl say she had a crush on Hinata left a pit in his stomach.

He decided he'd call his mom later and ask her about the things racking his brain.

"How about this weekend, sense we were at your place last weekend."

"Really!?! Cool! Yeah!" Hinata threw his arm over Kageyama in excitement. "I've never been to a friend's house before!"

Kageyama didn't know why, but he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He passed it off as a reaction to the hug, and grinned at the sunny boy.

5&6 are being posted together sense they're hella short ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧


"This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it."



*Not a fujiyoshi! Just a normal character.* Got rid of it sry to those of u rereading...

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