The Proving. Erda's wrath.

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Erda' s Wrath.

One proving fight was about to begin. As the crowd began to cheer.

Crier: The fight is about to begin. Cassiopeia Erda versus Nyan of Acheron.

Fenrir: Acheron? Isn't that one of the three rivers of the Lowlander's  Underworld ?Eitri : The afterlife is a mess right now, I'm afraid

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Fenrir: Acheron? Isn't that one of the three rivers of the Lowlander's  Underworld ?
Eitri : The afterlife is a mess right now, I'm afraid. Once Hades and Loki were out of the picture, Hel steeped in to fill  the power vacuum.
Sin: If that specter is worth of her namesake, that saintia is in a world of hurt.
Mimir: Both of them are quite firmly matched. Erda is a veteran in the war against the Dryads. She is a Fire cosmo user. On the other hand, Lady Nyan was an ferryman of the underworld has developed a powerful water cosmo.

(hear  the music while reading the fight part)

Then, the match begins. Erda made her first move, but Nyan countered the attack with a summoned ice row.

Nyan: I have seen the souls of many a saints in my time as an oarsman. You are not the most amazing of them, but I shall give you a proper sendoff.

As she moves raises her oar, it began to summon sekishiki waves and water cosmo.

Nyan: "Mortis Maelstrom"

As the souls of the damned engulfed the Saintia, Nyan began to bask in her technique.

Nyan: When I take your cloth, I shall reclaim my place in the underworld , once I've had my fun with you, that is.

The cosmos of Erda broke the maelstrom, and a powerful fire aura began to surge

Erda: (mocking while rising her cosmo) You call that FUN??!!!😡

Then Erda used a Fire Fist on her, breaking the Specter's oar and cloth

Alexer: That fight ended before it began.
Fenrir: There's rage In her cosmo. Murderous intent!!!😨
Sin: Oh, no!!! 😱 She's gonna kill her!!!!😨

As Sin rushes into the proving ground Erda began to prepare a "Greatest Eruption"

Erda:  When you see the Necromancer in Helheim, tell him he'll suffer the same as you!!!

She throws her technique at Nyan, only to be countered by Sin's Hellfire Surge

Sin: Enough!!! 😡

As Nyan is Taken by the stretchers, she says: "Thank you"

Erda: This does not concern you!!!
As began both to exchange hits, Sins's lack of cloth and speed made her an easy target of a hit to the stomach
Sin: (while falling on her knees) She's so strong. I shouldn't have jumped the gun.🤢

As she was stomping Sin, Fenrir stepped into the Arena and stop her feet. After that he throws her feet away.

Fenrir: Don't you dare touch her!!!😡

Hyoga, arrives at the arena and scolds Erda.

Hyoga: You sully the name of Athena with your actions.
Erda: My creed is not important. I came in here on my own accord, Traitor.

As Fenrir was about to face her, he fell and began writhing

Erda:  I've been told about you. Alioth Fenrir and Sin the Wolfsbane. Not so tough without your hound. The Valkyrie's Aegis is mine. Stay out of my way.

Ad Erda walked away, Sin fainted.

While dreaming, Sin began to question everything. Her motive to be there, the lack of training compared with other warriors, and her old need to belong to something. She awoke, while in Alexer's care.

Sin: Ugh!!! The next time I'll see her......!!!😠
Alexer: It'll be the Same. Don't get me wrong, you have the marginal knowledge of cosmo, skills and... potential, but you'll need training and  some kind of protection against an elite Saint.
Sin: Will you teach me?

As Alexer was about to answer,  the Southern Cross Saint arrives with groceries.

Southern Cross Saint: Hello? (Smiling) A little peace offerings. Ok? Also, I've brought porridge. Sorry for what happened in the arena. Kazuma's the name.
Sin: Your girlfriend's a handful. 😒
Kazuma: (flustered)😧 She isn't my girlfriend. I would like to apologize on her behalf.
Sin: I appreciate someone who can speak to me, face to face. No proxies. She could have come here herself. Unless you are the one seeking forgiveness on her behalf. You care for her, aren't you?😗😗
Kazuma: Uhhhh......
Sin: (with a smug face) 😏 I'll save you this awkward moment if you train me like a saint.
Kazuma: Oh! Missy! No sabes en que te estás metiendo. (you don't know what your'e in to)
Sin: The tattoo of my cheek isn't just for decoration, y se muy bien en que me meto. (i know damn well what i'm into)
Kazuma:  (Sighs) Tomorrow. Here (give her a Bifrost rune of Muspelheim) . 5 o'clock.
As both Sin and Kazuma exits the room, Alexer was left behind as a dustball passes by.
Alexer:  😟 I'm ignored... I was about to take her as a student. Am I getting old so soon? (Back to serious face) Anyway. I Must prepare myself to fight Midgard Hyoga. Or maybe I should head to Jagheim, so I can see what can I stir.

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