14. Pregnant

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"I'm pregnant." I whisper, unsure how he's going to take the news. I've been keeping it a secret from him for a couple of weeks now, I had to wait until I took a pregnancy test, I had to be sure. But it's not just that, I'm terrified that he might not want this child. We spoke about children before and he said he wants them in a few years time, but not right now. So I guess I was just thinking that the longer I waited to tell him about it, the longer I could pretend that he was going to be excited about it.

"What?" He questions in a state of shock, his face giving away no clues whatsoever. I have no idea whether he's happy or saddened by this news.

"I'm pregnant." I repeat, but louder this time. I look him in the eyes, searching for any form of indication about how he's feeling.

And after what feels like an eternity, a small smile slowly makes its way onto his face. And I can tell it's a genuine smile, I can see it in his eyes. "Come here." He says as he smiles wider, placing a quick kiss on my lips, then diverts his attention to my belly. But I don't know why, it's not like I have a bump or anything. And I won't have one for a couple more months yet. "But I don't understand." He starts, looking at me with a confused expression. "We always use a condom."

"It must have broke without us realising." I shrug, thinking that it's the only explanation. It's not like I was the one who cheated on him. "But how are you feeling about this?" I ask, wanting him to be honest with me.

"How am I feeling?" He questions, repeating what I just said two seconds ago. "I'm over the moon." He exclaims with a wide smile, picking me up, causing my legs to wrap round his waist instinctively. He kisses me again, more passionately this time, and I can feel him smiling between each kiss. "You know I want to be a dad."

"I know," I tell him, still being lifted up. "But you said you wanted kids some time down the line, not right now. Are you sure you're ready?"

He places me back down gently on the floor before answering. "Vee, I like to think I've done a pretty good job of looking after Sofia this past year. Has that not proven that I'm ready? Even if this wasn't planned, I'm going to love this child more than anything in the world, except for you, of course."

"But it's different, James." I tell him, my voice slightly stern so I know that he'll listen to every word that I say. "This time round you'll have to be there through all of my pregnancy mood swings, the morning sickness, you have to change nappies, endless sleepless nights, you have to put them first through it all."

He's silent for a moment, and I would pay good money to hear the thoughts swirling through his head right now. But eventually he speaks, "Violetta, I will give everything I have for this baby, and I'll be their by your side through the whole thing. Whatever you need, I'll be there." His words touch my heart; he's always been able to do that, comfort me instantly with his words.

I smile at him and kiss him once more. Every worried thought I've had these past couple weeks has dissapeared, he's not going to walk out on me, he's not going to leave me with yet another fatherless child. He loves me and he loves our baby, even though it took us a bit by surprise. And I couldn't be happier. Even the thought of him possibly cheating on me last night doesn't have me upset anymore. 

At first I was devastated when he told me, but seeing how upset he was, I can tell how much he regrets what happened, and that's if anything did happen in the first place. Maybe it's me being naive, but I refuse to believe that. I love him more than anything in the world, and I know he feels the same about me. I know it from the way he acts, the way he speaks, the way he looks at me when he doesn't think I'm paying attention. Everything about what he does proves to me how much he cares, and I'm not going to let one little mistake on his part ruin what we have. I will fight till my dying day to protect what we have, and I'd like to think that he'd do the same.

But I think that's why it comes as a bit of a surprise when I say, "I think what we need to do is postpone the wedding." I can see the hurt in his face, he thinks it's because of our conversation earlier this morning, but it's nothing to do with that. "Just for now." I reassure him. "I sure as hell don't want to walk down the aisle with a pregnancy bump, and it's not like we can pull off this wedding in two months time, there's too much to sort out. We haven't even decided who to invite. So maybe we should forget about the wedding until the baby is born."

He pulls me into a hug and slowly nods his head. "Okay," he whispers, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Whatever you think is best." Well that was easier than I thought, I thought he'd kick off at the thought of postponing the wedding. Hopefully it's because it's because he understands where I'm coming from, not becasue he thinks it will be easier just to agree with me from here on out. I value his opinion. "So what now?" He asks, looking me in the eyes once more.

"Now," I start, thinking about how tired I am right now. "Now I take a nap. I'm absolutely exhausted." I tell him, and it is kind of his fault, I'm tired because I waited up all night for him when he didn't show.

"Okay." He smiles, "I'll head up with you."

I start walking towards the stairs, "you know, after last night I'd be telling you that you're sleeping on the sofa." I tell him before my voice turns softer. "But right now I could really do with a cuddle. I'm just glad that you're back, and that you're mine."

"I'll always be yours." He says instantly as if it were rehearsed. But that's just him, and it's not just some cheesy line, it's what he genuinely feels. 

As I reach the top of the stairs I turn to him and smile warmly, "always." I repeat in a whisper, then place my arms around his neck and kiss him again, and the whole world seems to melt away. Nothing else matters in this moment except me and him. And I'm so overwhelmed by the love I have for him that every bad thing he's done disappears, he's perfect. 

And despite everything that's happened in these last two days, I couldn't be happier. Because this is the moment that our little family began to grow. 

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