13. Holiday Cruise pt. 2

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"Are you really keeping that shit?" Jack asks later in their shared room.
"Listen, free sex toys are free sex toys. I don't even know what they put in here."

Jack shakes his head. "Whatever. I'm gonna take a shower. Lemme know if you find anything good."

That last sentence was meant to be a joke, but Alex is still curious about what the box actually contains. Once he hears the shower running, he opens the box of mystery toys, only to immediately shut it again, blushing bright red after seeing the first thing on top.

Alex takes a second to relax his breathing before slowing reopening the box.

At the top of the box is an expensive looking vibrator and a set of anal beads. Alex has kinda been wanting to try those out, but not really something he wanted to test on his own.

His mind races a bit as he remembers Jack in the next room. Jack's been known to spend ample time in the shower... maybe Alex could test some of these out after all?

Beneath those two items is a blindfold and some fuzzy pink handcuffs, two things Alex would never admit are his biggest kinks. And beneath that is a coupon for the on ship lingerie store, condoms, and lube.

Not the biggest or most interesting set of toys, but better than nothing at all.

For a moment, Alex considers using the vibrator right now, but the water in the bathroom turns off and Alex is left to suffer through his sudden desire.

Jack walks out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel, to find Alex watching TV on the bed, and the box discarded, half open, on top of the night stand.

"Find anything good?"
"Nah. Might check out that coupon though."
"Care if I take a look?" Jack asks, suddenly curious what the coupon could even be.
Alex smirks, though his attention is still clearly on the bad hallmark movie playing in the television.

"Thought you didn't want the box?"
"Maybe I'll find something I like."
"Go ahead."

Alex nods to the box, then rolls his eyes when the girl misses the actual magic Hot Santa just used on the Christmas lights around them. "Who writes this shit?" He asks rhetorically, obviously frustrated by the limited channel options. "I mean come on! He's standing right behind her!"

Jack isn't really paying attention, so he just hums in response, as he looks over the various items in the box. He blushed for a second when he stumbles upon the coupon to the lingerie store.

Might check out that coupon though.

Jack and Alex hadn't ever really not talked about their sex lives, but Jack never took Alex for the lingerie kind of guy. A sub maybe, but lingerie seems a bit far fetched. He decides not ask Alex about it. It's not his place.

That doesn't stop Jack's mind from making it the Most Important Thing To Think About though.

"Find anything?" Alex asks, finally turning his attention away from the cliche movie about a girl with no time for Christmas falling in love with Santa's hot son.

"No. You really gonna use that coupon?" Fuck! It just slipped out!
"Might as well. Maybe I'll use it as a gag gift for Rian. You'd think he'd want a pink or black thong?"
Jack can't help but burst out into laughter at the thought of their drummer in a fucking thong.

Then it occurs to him that Alex, being gay, might actually think about lots of guys like that.

Jack briefly wonders if Alex has ever thought of him that way, but decides not to press the subject.

"I was thinking red," Jack says. "Maybe something holiday themed."
"Haha red satin or something with the white trim but it says Mrs. Claus on the ass."

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