10. Road Trip

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Their flights canceled.
'Course it's canceled. It's always canceled in December. Fuckin snow. Whatta bitch.

Jack has to get home though because his brother's proposing to his girlfriend. Alex has to get home too since he promised he'd be home for the holidays this year.

They have three days to make it halfway across the country. According to google, it takes just under fifteen hours to drive from Florida to Baltimore.


"I have an idea."

Without much else to say, Jack drags Alex across the airport while the rest of the band and crew shrugs them off. Alex, however, has many questions and complaints as to why the hell Jack is dragging him back to the van.

"What the hell are you doing? Now we have to go through security again-"
"I'm stealing the van."
"You're doing WHAT??" Alex exclaims. "Matt's gonna fucking kill us! He's already talking about leaving the crew, this could literally cause him to ditch us forever! Jack, what the hell??"
Jack sighs. Unlocking the van with the keys Flyzik asked him to hold on to earlier. "You promised your mom you'd be home for Christmas this year, and I am not missing my brother proposing to his girlfriend. I'm stealing the van, Lex. Are you coming or not?"

So here they are. Ignoring countless texts and calls from the rest of the band and crew, as they drive north.

But it's already pretty late, so Alex is setting up camp in the backseat. He pulls out blankets from the back and blows up an air mattress after putting all the seats down. Then he orders Jack to stop driving and get some sleep. It's been a long day for both of them.

"We only have two days to get home," Jack complains. "What if we get murdered."
"I'll make sure they kill you first. My mom scares the shit out of me when she's pissed."

So they lay down on the air mattress in the back of the van staring up at the ceiling. They're still a little jet lagged though and are having some trouble. Darn California time. Stupid connecting flight. Damn snow storms in Baltimore.

What a fucking mess.

"Hey, Alex?" Jack mutters, breaking the silence. Alex simply hums in response. "Do you think our parents really hate when me miss holidays because of tours and shit? Like, do you think they hold a grudge against us for it?"
Alex has to think about this for a while. He's thought about stuff like this before, but he's never really had a straight answer. The guys have been trying to book less winter tours, but it's hard when half the time it's the record company setting up dates.

"I think it's probably a little disappointing that we're gone a lot," Alex answers, "but I also think they don't hold it against us. I mean, they're our families and we're living the dream. At the end of the day I think they want us happy."

It's a vague-ish answer, not the yes or no Jack was looking for, but it's enough for now. But Jack isn't ready for silence quite.

"My girlfriend actually dumped me over text on this tour," Jack mutters. "Since I missed her birthday two weeks ago. We were on a plane though, not much I could've done."
Alex nudges Jack with his elbow. "Hey, that's one girl you can mark down as someone who will never get it."
"That's just it though," Jack complains. "What if I never meet someone who gets the whole touring thing? What if it's always just.... the same thing over and over and over. 'Pick me or the band.' I can't give up mine and everyone else's whole life just for some girl I've known for three months. I just can't."

The van goes silent for a moment as Alex thinks about this for a long, long time. He's had the same fears too. He's terrified of never finding anyone who will still love him when he's half way across the world. It's terrifying.

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