"Oooh. Nice"

Wally shot a glare Barry's way.

"I wouldn't really call it a fight considering Linda didn't do anything but yell "Don't mess up my hair!" " Wally told

"Nice who fought her?" Barry asked obviously very interested

"Artemis Crock"

Iris smiles to her self and saw that Bart was full on smiling. Something she hadn't seen on his face in a long time.

Ding. Dong.

"I'll get it!" Wally said as he sat up and walked to the door

When he opened it he came face to face with a very emotionless Artemis Crock.

"What do you want?" Wally snapped at her

"Actually-" Artemis started But was cut off

"I don't want to hear your apologies Artemis! I don't know why you thought coming to see me would work. Like who-"

Meanwhile in the living room 3 eavesdropping West's/ Allen's turned to each other.

"The Artemis!?!" Iris asked

Barry and Bart nodded and shrugged.

Back to The two lovebirds.

Artemis cut Wally off.
"Look here Baywatch I don't know what this rant is about. But get your head out of your ass, I have nothing to apologize for. Because I didn't do anything. And I'm not here to see you. I'm here to talk to Bart."

Wally's eyes widened
"What do you mean you have nothing to apologize for!?! Does beating up my girlfriend count as nothing !?"

Artemis scoffed "That's what's got your panties in a twist!"

Bart and Barry laughed at that.

"Yes! I mean no- ugh! I'm pissed! That's my girlfriend! She didn't do anything!" Wally fumed

Artemis face fell to realization "She called you didn't she?"

Wally nodded.(Dramatically).

Artemis laughed "And what'd she tell you?"

"That you just came over to her, she said "hi" and you started to beat her" Wally told

Artemis pursed her lips and nodded in a irritated way. "She thought lying to you would make her in less shit?"

"What are you talking about!?!" Wally snapped

"Your girlfriend is a bitch" Artemis started simply

Iris smirked and turned to Barry "She's a real spitfire"

Barry smiled "Just like you"

"Don't call her-" Wally was cut off by Artemis.

"Linda is the biggest bitch ever. She's a mean girl. She's a real life Regina George! She's a bully!!"

"No she's not!"

"Really why don't you ask your cousin considering he's been bullied by her!" Artemis yelled

Iris and Barry gasped and Wally's eyes widened.

Wally slowly turned to Bart

"Is it true?"

Bart stuttered "W-Wally"

"Is it true!" Wally snapped

Bart nodded

"What is she paying you?! Did she threaten you?!" Wally asked Bart while pointing towards Artemis.


Wally turned back to Artemis.

"What did you do!?!" He asked

Artemis was about to deny it but Wally slapped her.

Everyone gasped.

"Wallace Rudolph West!" Iris snapped

"You know what asshole? I know I come from crooks and thieves but I would never go this low. And Linda doesn't care about you. In fact she doesn't give a shit! Fine don't believe me but here's your proof." Artemis shoved a recording into his hand.

She put her palm on her red cheek and winced in pain.

"Artemis I'm sorry" Wally tried

Artemis shook her head with tears in her eyes and backed up.

"Happy Birthday Asshole" She snapped before slamming the door in his face.

"Wally" Iris scolded but Wally held up a hand.

And grabbed the recording and turned it on.

Everyone circled around it.

They heard Linda say "Hello homeless child how can I help your worthless life today?"

Then they heard a slap and Iris couldn't help but grin.

The tape continued and they listened.
When Wally heard what Linda had done to Bart he was fuming.

And was about to chuck the recording until he heard a furious Artemis ask.

"Do you give a damn about Wally!!?"


Wally grabbed his phone and was out the door.

Barry turned to Iris "I know that we should probably check on him but... Artemis is pretty badass!"

Iris nodded "Yeah . I can't believe that snobby Linda did that to you bart! We owe Artemis big time."

"Yeah we do "

"Man Wally's birthday sucked"

It Started With Detention.☑️{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now