Chapter 3

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As we walk, I notice how there aren't any guards anywhere.  They just don't exist anywhere.  I felt suspicious at this thought.  It could be some sort of trap.  

     "What's troubling you?" Harrison asks me.  I look at him curiously.  

     "Well, there aren't any guards around here and where they kept me there were guards at every corner, down every hall, in front of every door.  I don't know why, but it feels odd, walking here and seeing none.  Is it normal here?" I reply.  

     "Well, where they watch me, it's about the same as you, but not quite that many.  You're eyes do glow extremely bright, you know?" he said and finished by staring into my glowing eyes.  I could see the glare from my eyes in his eyes.  

     "So you're a wolf?" I ask, avoiding the topic of how bright my eyes glowed.  He nodded his head, confused.  Confused like "why wouldn't you want to talk about your weirdly glowing eyes?"  Not the other sort of curiosity.  Not any other kind, if I'm being honest.  Just that weird question.  

     "Well, I still think your eyes are really pretty," he says.  I blush and he notices instantly.  I pull the ribbons from my hair, embarrassed.  I gently undo the braids.  Once my hair was loose, it was wavy.  He wanted to talk about my glowing eyes.  It was odd to know that.  

     I felt like turning into a lion, so I did, barely having to focus on the matter of doing so.  Harrison followed me by turning into a wolf.  Gregor looked at me curiously before doing the same as I did.  His glowing green eyes were shocking on a lion.  

     "You got the same animal as her?" Harrison asks.  We can all speak as animals, too.  

     "Yes," Gregor replied.  We were all just trying to catch up to Victoria, who looked at us with a laughing expression.  She turned into a tiny hummingbird, already flying.  

     Harrison's fur matched the color of his hair, which was brown.  It made a wolf look more gentle but fierce at the same time.  Gregor's mane was what made him look powerful.  Since I had no mane, you would expect me not to look as powerful, but I did, which was odd, but it did seem to make enough sense.  

     I pick the lock to what we believe to be the exit.  As I open the door, I can feel that there is something wrong.  Very wrong.  I can tell they sense it too.  

     I open the door and there are hundreds of hospital beds, all in rows.  There are people on them, but they make no sound.  Not a breath.  Not a whimper.  Just silence.  

     I look at one of the people and I can tell that whoever they were died, though not too long ago.  Either that, or the body was preserved extremely well.  

     I can tell that they eyes are real because of the way they stare into space.  They used to have color, and  I could tell but the color was gone now.  Well, except for the color red, which seems to have replaced the true color.  Just pupils with no color to border them other than red.  I could see a tear stain on the fragile skin.  

     The people were children.  

     "I see you have found my mistakes," Griffin said from the entrance.  I gasp and turn around.  

     "What have you done to them?" I demand.  

     "They were my experiments.  I tried to change them into what you are now, but they passed away.  Of course, I simply couldn't tell their parents of the unfortunate death of their child, so I never told them.  I told them the experiment was continuing for the better and that their child was live and well," as he told the story, I grabbed a knife from the side of the bed of the child who had died.  I didn't know what it had been used for, but it would have to do.  

     I could see the others, hiding.  Well, Amber had turned into a snake and was slithering towards Griffin, her eyes wide and glowing.  

     As she started to coil around his leg, he grabbed her and pinched her with his finger tips, which instantly made her start to thrash.  Electric shocks were the cause of this and I could tell.  Harrison pinned him, his teeth near Griffin's throat.  

     "Let her go," Harrison demanded.  Griffin let her go, though hesitantly.  Harrison didn't move from his position.  Amber started to slither away, lifted her head, opened her mouth and bit Griffin right on the cheek.  He screamed and tried to get up but Harrison growled at him and showed his teeth extremely close to his face.  

     "What did I do to you?" Griffin demanded, like it wasn't obvious.  

     "You captured us, put us through an extremely deadly experiment without hesitation and kept us away from the rest of the world all our lives.  You shouldn't be surprised that at our one chance to escape and you, the kidnapper and evil scientist, wouldn't understand why we would be angry at you for trying to stop us," Victoria said, coming from the darkness.  

     "Victoria, my only true failure.  You're a hummingbird.  I never could have thought of a less intimidating species," Griffin said and smiled his wicked smile.  The despicable smile that had frightened me as a child.  

     "How dare you, Griffin.  You know that so many died for this stupid little experiment.  What were they actually planning to do with us after the experiment because we all know it wasn't all just to keep us here for the rest of our lives.  What did you want from this?" I demand, furious.  Griffin looks shocked.  

     "I had planned to send you to... to war.  A war that you wouldn't understand.  You see, outside of these walls are another creature, killing people.  They aren't ... they aren't from this planet and I created this experiment to keep the... the fate of the world intact," he replied, looking down shamefully.  He was lying.  It was written all through his stuttering words and nervous expression.  

     "Don't lie to us, Griffin," I say and he looks overly shocked that I knew he was lying.

     "We should get going," Amber said, trying to stop me.  

     "I was hired from a secret organization for an experiment.  I was hired thirty years ago for these experiments.  We took children from where ever we could find a reasonable place where they wouldn't notice.  Well, that's how we started.  We tried to create a creature like you, but they all died.  Their eyes turned red and they just... died.  We edited the experiment so many times until it was perfect.  Of course, we still had some casualties, but most of them were success," Griffin said and gestured to us.  

     "He killed my brother!" Victoria screamed and lunged at him.  Instantly Amber and Gregor held her back.  "Let me go!" she screamed.  Tears stream down her face, but she stops struggling.  Her eyes are wild.  

     "Your brother survived," Griffin snapped.  

     "Impossible.  You know it's true," Victoria snaps back.  

     "He lived.  He escaped, though he wasn't like you.  He had red eyes, just like the ones who died, but he lived.  He instantly ran away, though," Griffin replied, like this was the most amazing discovery he had ever found and also the only thing he did for a living, though we all knew that wasn't true. 

     "Stop talking about me, Professor."  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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