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They stare at me with disgust, like this was my fault.  Didn't they realized that I didn't want to be here, either.  The blinding light forces me to look away from these despicable humans.  One bursts into a grand laughter, like this was all some sort of joke.  

     "What's so funny?" I snapped.  The person stops instantly.  She looks at the ground nervously.  Her eyes look up at me.  They were this glowing green.  

     She looks down instantly.  

     "Wait," I say.  She looks at me curiously.  The glowing of her eyes was still there and brighter.  

     "What?" she asks.  

     "Are you... like me?" I ask.  She shakes her head and smiles.  She meant "no"  

     "No, little one.  You're just echoing on the people around you," said a man with a wicked smile.  I glare at him and he laughs.  

     "Did you really think that we would let you see one like you?" asks a woman and bursts into hysterical laughter.  The thing that she said made me think there were others like me.  The man with the wicked smile pushed her lightly and she stopped and looked at him nervously.  

     "Of course, if there were others like you," he said insistently.  I could tell he was lying instantly.  I knew from the way he glared at the woman and seemed so insistent.  


I scream as they drag me through the halls.  I try to escape their grasp, but there is no escape.  The man with the wicked smile chuckled at my struggles.  

     "Soon, you will understand not to mess with us.  You have no reason to fear us, little one.  We are only here to help you," he said gently.  

     "Tell that to the creature who you used for this stupid little experiment.  Or the girl before me.  Or the people you steal from every day. Griffin, you help no one," I scream.  The man dragging me stops at my statement.  I pull away from his grasp and Griffin instantly howls at the guards to get me, to stop me from my subtle escape.  

     They push me onto my knees and I glare at him from the ground.  They put metal on my arms so that it wraps around my fingertips to my elbow.  I cry and Griffin touches my cheek lightly and pats it twice before walking away, his head high and his white hair sleek looking, as it always is.  

     "Griffin?" asks a guard, which stops him in his steps.  He turns around.  

     "Yes, guard?"

     "What do you want me to do with her?" the guard looks nervous.  

     "Send her to the cage," he replied simply and turned around.  

     "NO!" I scream and once again try to pull away from the guard's grasp as he pulls me up.  Tears stain my face as I beg to be set free or "anywhere but the cage."  The guard looks at me with a pitying look before he takes me to the free space, which is as close as I will get to outside.  I gape at him.  

     "Go," he whispers to me.  I nod my head and hide in my favorite tree, with the massive green leaves and massive roots.  He unlocks the cuffs from my arm and it opens.  I sigh and run.  I run as far as the wall goes.  Though there is no true sky, they painted the ceiling a blue with white, which they claim are supposed to be clouds, though it was slightly clear that they just ran out of the blue paint.  

     I wished there was a such thing as freedom in the beginning.  Many people here consider me lucky for surviving.  

     Another guard grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back and once again put my arms in cuffs.  I scream.  The way my scream always echoes in these places makes me sick.  

     I pass out and allow them to take me away.    

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