Line Between Genius and Insane

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She was walking the plank. Below her was sharp rocks and harsh waters, with storm clouds whirling over head. Whilst the boat was haloed with golden light, with a hand reaching out to her from it.

She lunged to grab it but the boat shook and she fell into the grey waters...

Pain. Pain was all she felt.

Agatha had had this dream before. She never knew what to make of it. All she'd ever really focused on was every time she had legs.

Two human legs.

She heard a muffled voice. When she opened her eyes she was on the bottom of the lap pool. Above her was a purple figure. She squinted to get a better look at them, but the water was far too clouded. She swam up and standing in front above her was a long-bearded  old man with a purple robe and topped of with a cone hat.

"Ah... hi?" She said.

"Hello, dear girl!" He cheered.

Agatha gulped. "Do I know you?"

"No. But I knew that I would meet someone very special here today!" He said.

Agatha frowned. "Oh really? And how did you know that?"

"Because I'm a wizard!" He threw out his arms, as if he expected her to applaud.

"Okay... you can go find someone who cares." She bobbed up to start pushing herself back under--

When he grab her arm. He slipped a small vial. "When the time comes you will drink it."

Agatha pulled out of his grip. "I'm not drinking something an old loon gave--"

"Listen, Agatha." he started.

"How do you know my--"

The man ignored her. "This will save your scales!"

Agatha's ears perked up. "You're... helping me?"

He straightened his robes. "All in a days work for an old loon."

Agatha laughed.

"When they put you on the chopping bench, drink it. Not a moment sooner not a moment later." He instructed.

Agatha nodded. She dreaded being put on something called 'the chopping bench.'

She looked down at the bottle. She turned over the label that read: य़ोउ च्रच्क इत ल्मो

She had no idea what it said, but what ever it did was surely better than being skinned. So Agatha trusted him.

"Thank y--" she began, but when she looked up the man was gone.

She couldn't tell if he was genius or downright insane, but there had always been a fine line between the two in Agatha's mind.


Lol it was meant to be like the Sword in the Stone. Ya know at the start when he predicted meeting Arthur


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