"You've got to catch him first," Regina said darkly.

"And we will," Emma assured. "Keith has his best men -,"

"What is it with you and Keith?" Regina interrupted, anger bubbling up inside her without warning.

Emma blinked. "What do you mean?"

"All morning that's all you've gone on about and I heard you two together laughing outside. Is this just some big joke to you? Look after the scared, stupid little wife and protect her from the truth: that her husband is never going to be caught because he's too rich, too powerful, too untouchable. I don't need your sympathy, Emma. And I don't need Keith to babysit me. If you want him here, fine. But I'll find somewhere else to stay."

She lay down and rolled over, her back resolutely towards her friend.

Emma stared wide eyed at the woman before her. Where had all that come from? Whatever was going on, she knew the real Regina didn't believe what she had just said. But what she didn't know was why the older woman had just exploded at her when all she had been trying to do was help.

"Regina," the blonde said gently. The older woman didn't move. "Regina." Nothing. Huffing, Emma climbed over Regina's curled up form and lay down on the other side of the bed, forcing the woman to look her in the eye as their faces were now mere inches apart. "Hey, what was all that about?"

Regina blinked a few times before bursting into tears. Alarmed, Emma shuffled forwards on the bed and pulled Regina into an awkward hug, her left arm and Regina's right squashed between their bodies. The brunette cried for a long time, Emma wracking her brain to try and work out what had happened.


Half and hour earlier.

"Take this up to Regina would you?" Emma asked as she passed a cup to Henry before picking up the other two. Placing the mugs of coffee on the side table, she grabbed a coat and shoved her feet into some old Ugg boots. Slipping out of the house, she walked down the path and across the street. Rapping her knuckles on the window of the car, she gestured to the coffee cup when Detective Nottingham looked up from his newspaper with a wide smile.

"Morning, Miss Swan," Detective Nottingham said as he opened his door and stepped out of the car.

"Good morning, Detective Nottingham," Emma replied as she handed over his coffee.

"How many times have I told you to call me Keith?" the man asked as he accepted the steaming beverage with a nod of thanks.

"And how many times have I told you to call me Emma?" the blonde countered.

"Fair point," Keith grinned.

They walked to the front of the car where they both leaned against the bonnet and sipped their warm drinks.

"Anything to report from last night?" Emma asked after a pause.

"Nothing at all," Keith replied. "My guy outside their Mifflin address said there was no movement there either. Every light is off and every door and window is locked up tight. From what we can see, most of the valuable possessions have been removed. Wherever Robin is, I don't think he's coming back here any time soon."

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