Chapter 1

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I finished my shift before the sun comes down, I took off my crown as the barista and got out as the simple Y/N. Y/N who finished college few months ago with her sweats and tears, she manage to get time with her studies and time for her work that is giving her some extra savings.

It's been months and I still don't know what should I do with my degree and should I let go of being a Starbucks crew? But then I am willing to extend some months just to see her inside the shop again and again.

I unlocked my bicycle from the pole and put on my helmet. Bicycle is all I can afford since I really don't have enough savings to buy myself some four wheels. I am contented with what I have, what can I ask for?

I kicked myself away from the shop and started traveling home. I played some 2000's playlist on spotify, it's just my all time favorite.

I was humming throughout the songs as the wind came on my skin, when I turned to the next street my body almost died when I saw a white Range Rover coming on my way with a fast speed. I hit the break harder than sledgehammer and heard my wheels pressing to the rough road.

"Holy fuck." I exhaled and the car stopped right in front of me. There is much space on the road why do they have to be in the other side?

I blinked and pinched myself to see if I am still alive and breathing. I hop off the bike and took out my helmet, glaring at the tinted car. I almost threw my helmet at the fucking car who almost hit me.

"Hey! Get out." I said as I tapped on the hood of the car. I pressed my temples and wet my lips to calm myself from almost dying.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." A familiar voice rang to my ears and when I looked up I almost got a heart attack. "I'm really sorry. I was finding my charger and I didn't saw you coming."

Really? Ariana Grande? Trying to kill me?

I took off my sunglasses and almost smirked at her. "Ari?"

"I'm sorry. I will bring you to the hospital if you want." She was panicking. Worried is seen on her face as she trying to approach me.

"Are you following me or something?" I cut her off which caused her to make a confusing face. I chuckled and walked towards her. "Maybe trying to kill me."


"Don't remember me, Miss Ari?" I raised an eyebrow and smiled at her.

"Oh wow. The Starbucks crew." She giggled and covers her mouth with the long sleeve of sweater.

"You shouldn't go out and try hit people with your car. I still wanna live." I joked.

"I'm really sorry, okay? I can bring you to the hospital." She touched my wrist, almost dragging me to her.

"I'm fine, Ariana. Next time don't try to kill me." I replied trying to get out of her touch, which is causing some electricity on my stomach.

"Are you sure?" Her softest voice made my lips turn to a cheeky smile, I can almost see the angels with her soft voice.

"Yep." I popped my lips and stare at her. I can still tell something is bothering her with that look in her face.

"Can I at least make it up to you?" She suggested shyly.

"It's fine. I'm okay."

"Come on, what can I do to make it up to you?"

"I told you, it's okay."

"Please, I almost killed you."

I let out a small laugh and just nodded. Ariana replaced her look with a smile.

Barista (Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now